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Spotted on reddit. Sister insists on not paying sibling for childcare. Plays dumb when confronted with proof of expected payment. All in a family group chat too. Smh

EmbracingTheVoid 6 Dec 30
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Wow what a fckng Cuntbag. She sounds like an entitled narcissist. Terrible lesson for the sister to have learned that she cannot trust her using sister. Honestly, sometimes family is worse than strangers and will stab you in the back worse than any stranger could. fck this bich. If she ever comes back asking for help this sister should give a firm NO. Fck off.


They had a contract (offer of value and acceptance). Pretty open and shut from a legal point of view, the babysitter!

PadraicM Level 7 Jan 1, 2019

Holy crap people are so awful! I am eternally grateful that my only sibling is like us, he doesn't want or have any children.

tinebean Level 7 Dec 31, 2018

Can't even imagine a sibling charging another such a ridiculous amount to watch their kids! That's not family!! Judge Judy would solve it quickly like you said, but these siblings need to reflect on their "relationship" and the concept of family !!

jfreemann Level 6 Dec 30, 2018

I would have charged $125 an hour. That’s my rate for doing chef demos. Why would I take less?

But, seriously, the mother ageeed to the rate. If she didn’t want to pay it, she should have said up front instead of taking advantage of her sister.


The entitlement of breeders is always staggering.
She has the texts. Judge Judy would solve this quickly.
She should definitely take her sister to small claims court.

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