4 4

I decided on that issue years ago: Snip-snip...and voila! ...problem solved! Next!...

mykhael 6 Jan 11
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I was snipped back in the 90's when I began my second marriage ... I would have been, what, 40 at the time. Best decision I ever made -- one awkward and unpleasant hour in exchange for no more condoms, what's not to like?

I wasn't raised progressive but always considered birth control my responsibility ... aside from simple respect, you can't control Other People and so if you want something done right, do it yourself.

mordant Level 8 Jan 13, 2019

If had the money, I would have the vacestomy today. I think I would be an happier if I did.

freedom41 Level 9 Jan 11, 2019

Back on my late 20s and 30s when I asked to tight tubes Bcz I knew reproducing wasn't my desire ever , I was told by MD thats not a choice in USA if u never had a child . They will simply not do . I took birth control pill all my adult and reproductive life , husband at that time couldn't see any reason to get fixed instead . I am laughing . At 48, kids free and menopausal , while he inherited 2 young kids from 4th wife at age of 55 and bitching every day about it ?

Pralina1 Level 9 Jan 11, 2019

@Larry-new all over the states . He was in military , tricare won't do at that time . I doubted they do now as well .

@Larry-new tell that to the cheepest man alive back then ! ??????

@Pralina1 actually, Tri-Care did mine at age 35. That was 17 years ago. They will do it once you reach age 35.

@SkotlandSkye ahhh ! I was divorced at 37 and did not checked since then . Good to know . At least some progress .


So simple! I’ve never understood the general resistance to vasectomies by men.

I simply thought there we're already enough people/children on the planet...many without parents. I also didn't want my wife at the time to have to put dubious meds into her body when we had decided not to have kids. It was a no-brainer. It took a few minutes (probably 5 at most) for the whole thing and I was outta there. Done! Gone! No problem-O! ...without any side effects whatsoever. (I never felt the call to produce a mini-me anyway.)

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