3 3

That is criminal. I had to join just to say that is NOT how sane parents do that. Gees.
And the site is glitching - this should have appeared under the post about poops.

So I'll tell you the poop story.

How 18 yo me - the youngest of 4 children got dragged into caring for my 2 yo nephew while his parents left the house together for the first time.

How he had a tantrum for two hours.

And then he proceeded to poop. I was a not a veteran of the diaper change - but I had wipes and I had diapers.

What I did NOT KNOW - is he'd been saving for a week at a time.

Rock meet hard place.

I'm still not sure any of what happened was based on the laws of physics that day. But I did get a really nice music box shaped like a dragon as compensation? (I was 18 - it might have actually helped?).

Still not sure I'm over that experience. Not sure I told his wife either.... chuckles maniacally.

RavenCT 9 Feb 5
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Oy, I was really trying to forget about the first poop story!!! LoL your killing me here Raven ?

tinebean Level 7 Feb 5, 2019

OMG me too

@tinebean @Mofferatu - You should have been there! I'm still never going to get over it! 3 times that age has passed and I still can't get it out of my head.


I am missing" what the hell.are you talking about".

Mokvon Level 8 Feb 5, 2019

oops looks just like shit posting doesn't it..


Do what? I'm not a parent nor sane so I missed the bus here ...

tinebean Level 7 Feb 5, 2019

Apparently the bus left without me today....

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