3 6

Oh ffs, I am sitting in chick fil-a and this woman brings her obnoxious kids in. Sits in the table next to me and the kids are SCREAMING. Pulling chairs out, running around, did I mention screaming... why can't parents train their kids. My dogs are trained better!
This is why people should not be allowed to reproduce unless the meet certain criteria. Oh, she has 3!

Heidi68 8 May 16
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I work in retail and I had a parent come and tell me her 4 yr old child was lost. I offered to make an announcement and call her name to the front of the store. Her mother quickly told me that she would not come when called. I thought to myself that's pretty f***** up ! my God damn dog comes when he's called. Anyway, we got a description blocked all doors eventually the kid was found. But really! A four-year-old child cannot learn to respond to its name?

Kojaksmom Level 8 May 16, 2019

That is crazy! And I am the same my entire pack respond when called either as a pack or individually. What is wrong with people?

@Heidi68 I don't know, but apparently children aren't as intelligent as dogs.

@Kojaksmom 🤣🤣
But then again, I think it could have everything to do with the trainer 😁


I have been in that situation and I believe mgt should ask these folks to control their children or leave. I have also ask to be moved to another part of the restaurant.

Sticks48 Level 9 May 16, 2019

If I had still been eating or had been waiting on my food, I would have but I was finished eating. Sure did ruin my after meal scroll through

@Heidi68 Sometimes when I walk in a restaurant and I hear children, I will spot them and request a table far, far away.

@Sticks48 if I am not starving and I hear that nonsense when I walk in the door, I turn right around and leave. My sanity is worth more than the noise I had to deal with at the end of my meal today.

@Heidi68 I agree 100%


some people are walking billboards for planned parenthood. lol

glennlab Level 10 May 16, 2019

Except I am not sure they know how to read, or know what a billboard is. Those of us who know how to read, know what a billboard is, should reproduce but don't potentially because of the above idiots.... and screaming kids....

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