4 2

Sterilization....easy peasy, lemon difficult.
I went through 11 OBs until I found one that would hear me out at 24. This topic is near and dear to me. I fought hard to be sterilized at 24. 16 years ago. Not a moment of regret.
I have been bingoed as to how will I know real love, it's gods will, who will take care of me, How will I pass on through my family. blah blah.
I don'T have maternal instincts, don't think babies are cute, generally don't stay in the vacinity of kids ever for more than a few minutes.
I wouldn't dare bring any child Into this world. They don't deserve the future we are leaving them.
I lost my first long term boyfriend after over a decade because his biological clock was banging down the door.... He is married with a kid now.
Then I did something dumb and fell for a guy with Six...and a Christian nutcase.. Thank ravioli that nothing came of that. What is with your brain shutting down completely with a little dopamine?
I guess my point is being single isn't always so bad... When your brain let's you do dumb things. Glad I was sterilized cause I clearly can't make good choices for myself.

JessicaBeZazzle 5 May 13
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I agree with you about children. I guess I have one more thing to be grateful about living in Massachusetts as I had no problem getting "fixed" at 25. In fact, my health ins. was happy to pay for it as they said (at that time, about 35 years ago) 1 in 5 women have health issues/problems when pregnant. I like you have never regretted my choice. In fact as we have recently hit a low point where money is concerned which has limited our housing options, it has been a relief to only have to worry about ourselves and not children also.

MLRoach Level 4 May 21, 2018

I want to be sterilized so bad, but I am still "too young" so I settled on Mirena for now. I got it when I was 28 and am now 30

LunaStarr Level 4 May 19, 2018

My late husband got sterilized when he was 25. he had no problems at all finding a doctor who would do the procedure. It would have taken me years I'm sure

Kojaksmom Level 8 May 17, 2018

I'm glad you were able to find someone. The struggle for body autonomy for women is real. Men who may or may not come into our lives are given more preference over our reproduction than we ourselves.

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