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It's not anything that I'm extremely proud of, but I consider myself to be a misanthrope. I really have no faith in my fellow man, and believe the human race is kind of screwed as a whole. Could anybody else relate to that? Does anybody else think that that may have had an influence on why we've chosen not to breed?

Kojaksmom 8 May 19
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Yes, it has influenced me not to reproduce. The same feelings that are attained from children can also be attained from caring for animals. As a pet parent I believe that my animals are expected to behave better than human children.

LunaStarr Level 4 May 20, 2018

I don't really like kids, esp on long term interactions, but I am definitely a misanthrope as well. I HATED the movie Idiocracy, but I feel like I'm watching it come true. I do believe it's made my struggle with depression that much harder. I see so much to be legitimately depressed about.

Me too

@OpenOptimist I felt like I lost brain cells watching it.... 😟


I can't speak for everyone else, only myself. In my case, I pretty much identify with what you've written. I'm a pretty big misanthrope and cynic. I was raised in a VERY dysfunctional adoptive family, and when I found my bio mom a few years back, I learned she's nearly as dysfunctional as they are. I've been disappointed by so many people throughout my life, people who just can't live up to their potential, which I believe has lead me to mistrust most people and not be very open with them. My family experience and mistrust are, I believe, big factors in why I never wanted to have kids.

...That said, I don't know where it comes from or why I have it, but I somehow have this hopeful side that is usually willing to give most people a chance and causes me to extend myself and try to be helpful. I work in a very people-oriented profession as a public high school counselor, so I'm working with kids on a daily basis. I find I have more hope for kids than adults when it comes to not disappointing me, and I'm usually willing to give them more of a chance than adults when they make a mistake. The way I see it, they're still kids, still learning, so I guess I give them more leeway than adults. It hasn't changed my feelings about having and raising kids of my own; on the contrary, seeing what parents go through, it's only served to reinforce my decision NOT to have kids. However, my misanthropy only extends so far and I'm willing to put it aside to a certain extent when working with kids.

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Posted by KojaksmomIt might work!

Posted by UrsiMajorYou're welcome

Posted by MacStrikerThe struggle is real

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