Middle of the road politics?

Tribe against tribe has always resulted in the death and destruction of nations! The Romans probably were the most successful at assimilation and achieved it by compromise! Come let us reason together!

Tribe against tribe has always resulted in the death and destruction of nations! The Romans probably were the most successful at assimilation and achieved it by compromise! Come let us reason together!

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Shared from Politics
Jun 23, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Theskeptic
Well, there's been lots of folks talking about voting in the midterms in the past few days! That's a good thing in my opinion! 😎. However there's another thing to start thinking on! The ELECTORAL college! Check your state on how they are ...
Middle of the road politics?
May 13, 2018May 2018

Posted by Theskeptic
I am so tired of the labeling process in our society today. does everyone think that to interact and get along everyone has to be alike. Hell, diversity of thought, race, and even religions are what has built America. Let's all his agree to ...
Middle of the road politics?
Aug 15, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Heraclitus
OMG, an entire state supreme court has been impeached.
Middle of the road politics?
May 22, 2018May 2018

Posted by Theskeptic
Not much time left people. Get out there and express your views at the ballot box! That's the only thing that keeps the government in check and assured we are free to think independent thoughts not gov issued garbage! Vote!!?
1 comment
Middle of the road politics?
Jul 14, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by educatedredneck
I think there's factual criticism for both sides of every policy issue. I'm mostly left leaning except gun rights and oppose (edited) most the gun laws I've heard bc it doesn't seem like they'd be effective at reducing gun deaths significantly. I ...
Middle of the road politics?
May 26, 2018May 2018

Posted by Theskeptic
All right. Voting is over for a bit. Time to take a look at the reasons to vote and the consequences of not participating? Any statements on either subject???
Shared from Politics
Jul 7, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Theskeptic
Those of you who have joined this group are very welcome to express any thoughts you may have! Please discuss our future and how we may improve it! ?
Middle of the road politics?
Jun 2, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Theskeptic
Not much middle left these days! Everyone seems to be polarized to the left or right! That's gonna tear us to pieces as a people if we don't get some sense and stop the manipulators dividing us! ?
1 comment
Middle of the road politics?
Jul 7, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Theskeptic
LABELS are another tool used by political organizations to limit debate within the group! Refuse to accept labeling and you refuse the control device of the politicians! I view the labels of conservative and liberal as decisive and destructive to...
Middle of the road politics?
Jul 1, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by educatedredneck
How are we defining "middle of the road?" What does that actually mean for people here? For me, that would mean striving to understand those we disagree with. Acknowledging valid points from people we disagree with while criticizing our own side, ...
Middle of the road politics?
Jul 7, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Theskeptic
Well, this last week or two has led me to think that middle of the road thinking and or political ideas are sort of hard to come by these days! It seems that the media and the group's they play to are more interested in decisive thinking than ...
Middle of the road politics?
Feb 3, 2019Feb 2019

Posted by Janus819
Hi, anarchist looking to understand others better. What do you think the government should be in charge of and why?
Middle of the road politics?
May 15, 2018May 2018

Posted by Theskeptic
Well we are rapidly approaching the season of the VOTER. Please feel free to express yourself at the ballot box. That is what has and will continue to make the USA the best country in the world. I say vote early and vote often !! ?
1 comment
Middle of the road politics?
May 26, 2018May 2018

Posted by Theskeptic
Memorial day is one of the better results of political ideas! At least the politicians recognized the ones who suffered the consequences of their actions! Please remember our honored dead and those who still serve and protect U.S. This weekend! ...
Shared from Philosophy & Meaning
Jun 4, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Theskeptic
POLLFound a new way to raise the interest level of folks in this site! Made a completely unreasonable statement concerning introverts vs extroverts and was pleased to learn the innies were not pleased to be compared with the exties especially when the ...
  • 3 votes
  • 3 votes
  • 3 votes
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Middle of the road politics?
Jun 4, 2018Jun 2018

Posted by Theskeptic
In order that, government, of the people, for the people, and by the people, should not perish from the earth! ?
Middle of the road politics?
May 27, 2018May 2018

Posted by Theskeptic
Ever wonder what the IQ's of this countries founders were? And Lincoln, he must have been in mensa, or whatever that smart peoples group is called! I have always admired his speeches and method of getting his points across! One of my favorites in ...
Middle of the road politics?
May 23, 2018May 2018

Posted by Theskeptic
Well the intro to the fall has been done! Don't lose hope our enthusiasm, cause it's a long road that has no bends and with the help of Will Rogers, Mark Twain, and me, perhaps we can instill a work ethic and some honesty in those public servants of...
Middle of the road politics?
May 21, 2018May 2018

Posted by Theskeptic
Well the season is upon us once again! The flurry of primaries seems to have raised interest in races again! The problem I have is that the choices between a candidate with an R or a D by their name seems to be disturbingly similar in all the ...
1 comment
Shared from Politics
May 13, 2018May 2018

Posted by Theskeptic
New group "Middle of the road politics? Group"