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Vegan Lifestyle

At one time people chose a vegan lifestyle as an ethical choice to prevent killing animals for their food; many still do. However, in the early 1970's John A. McDougall began investigating the vegan lifestyle for its health benefits. Since then other physicians and scientists have increased the research and the evidence is now strong;.

Vegan is a good lifestyle. Three benefits are touted. 1. Killing animals to eat is not necessary. 2. Water and land resources are saved because animals are not raised and slaughtered. I read that thousands of gallons are needed to make one Big Mac. Moreover, land used for growing corn to feed cattle and other animals, we eat, can be turned to produce vegetables for vegans. 3. Vegans live longer than either vegetarians or meat eaters according to statistics. According to two research studies of 96,000 and 65,000 people, vegans live longer and healthier than meat eaters. See:

Before these two studies, several populations around the world had more than an average number of very old people who were healthy into their 90s and a few even older. These populations were Okinawan, Japanese, and people circa 1950 in Greece, Southern Italy, and Spain whose cuisine became the Mediterranean Diet. All of their diets are mainly vegetables, grain, fruit and small amounts of meat, fowl or fish.

Thus, a vegan, whole grain diet improves your chances of living healthy and longer than if you eat animal products of any kind. However, it is possible to be vegan and eat a poor diet by consuming too much sugar and oil/fat. Refined sugar is not food, and should not be consumed. Extracted oil is not a food and should not be consumed. Foods contain some oil, in the form of omega-x fatty acids. It is best to minimize omega-6 fatty acids and eat a little omega-3 fatty acids in foods such as flax seeds, chia seeds, and walnuts. Most other oily vegetables have omega-6. A good ratio is 1:4, one omega-3 to four omega-6 by weight.

John A. McDougall, M.D. began formulating his whole foods, plant based diet in the 1980s. He is now recognized as a dietary expert and has written several books on the subject. See: []
Forks over Knives is an informative documentary starring, T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D, Caldwell Esselstyn, M.D., John A. McDougall, M.D., Neal D. Barnard, M.D., and Rip Esselstyn. This documentary is free on youtube and available on Netflix as well as other places. It tells why a plant based diet eating unprocessed or minimally processed foods is good for your health. And it explains why animal products are unhealthy. See: []
The Dr. Fuhrman channel on youtube features Dr. Fuhrman, who recommends a plant based whole food diet. He recommends eating Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, and Seeds (GBOMBS), which is high in nutrition and low in calories. He explains what each of the vegetables in GBOMBS is beneficial and why animal products are bad for you. If a person adopts this diet, they may also find eating a reduced calorie diet is easy.
A reduced calorie diet is one in which one eats about half of the calories the would normally eat, or half recommended by most doctors. The difference is that one must eat things with all the vitamins and minerals they need (e.g., GBOMBS). Studies on animals from mice to monkeys have shown the animals are more healthy and active than the same animals eating the “usual” amount of food. Moreover, their lifespan is increased approximately 50%. See: Calorie restriction and aging: review of the literature and implications for studies in humans, Caloric Intake and Aging, The Hunger Gains: Extreme Calorie-Restriction Diet Shows Anti-Aging Results, Low-Calorie Diets Mean High-Quality Lives, Research Shows and many more. The evidence is strong that even five days a month can make an improvement in your overall health and increase your lifespan. Calorie restriction does not mean you must eat a plant based whole food diet. It helps no matter what you eat. The plant based whole food diet also increases health and life span. I recommend both and exercise.
Some other youtube channels have good information on the plant based whole food diet, including Ford Brewer, M.D. and with Dr. Greger. The evidence is compelling and continues to grow.
Be sure to take vitamin B12 if you do not eat animal products.

EdEarl 8 Oct 18
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Awsome study and information... since transitioning to a fully vegan diet over the last 5 or so years I’ve had numerous and significant improvents in health... controlling migraines, avoiding kidney stone surgery... mine were to large and deep for sonar. Several minor ailments improved... an ear problem that I felt like a broken eardrum cleared up and I don’t even have dandruff any longer. I’m 56 and I’m on my feet all day running around at work and the younger guys I work with can’t keep up. A beautiful part of being vegan is that while you are helping yourself your helping the world.

Thanks for your appreciation and testimony. I'm happy to hear you are doing so well. I rarely think about helping the world; though, it's true.


What would a typical vegan diet look like day to day?

@Tooreen I have no idea of typical vegan diet. My guess is that typical differs by culture, for example people from India are know for curry, and traditional Mexican cuisine is corn, squash, beans, and peppers.

Dr Fuhrman, on youtube, recommends eating a GBOMBS diet, which is an acronym for Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries and Seeds (including nuts). Doctor Greger (youtube has a similir list of a dozen foods for vegans to eat daily.

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