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I’ve always been atheist but as time goes on I see more and more ways religion is just bad so anti-theist is closer to the mark. I’m a divorced dad of 3 and a vegan meditating musician.


Would you rather have friends or fans?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 18, 2018:
Friends are better any day... it’s fun to get some fans as a guitarist but where are they now? ...and my best friends can’t comprehend how I ever had fans:)
I haven't had any luck on dating sites. Maybe I should give this a shot.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 17, 2018:
I love a girl with a cupola.
Look at that posture. Looks like Trump soiled his diaper.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Shall I assume that reek means shit in Russian? Siri cannot translate Russian yet and I don’t want to dig any deeper.
Use four words to make an impactful sentence...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 17, 2018:
The buck stops here.
Curious about this...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 17, 2018:
For the receipt?
Vote Traitor Republicans Out Come November
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 17, 2018:
#Vote every single republican out in every single election every single time.
Putin's whiny little bitch
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Laughter is the only thing we have left to hold back the tears.
Ok is it just me or does anyone else's skin crawl when they hear/read the much over used word ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 17, 2018:
The words use in Young Frankenstein is classic:) I’m not bothered nor do I use it... dated a girl for 3 years that was militantly opposed. Personally I don’t care, simply not on my radar... but she explained her opposition to this linguistic jewel on our first date... going forward I’m taking it as a red flag.
What are the best arguments you have in favor of marriage?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 17, 2018:
..... wait, I’m thinking???? It’s not sex because that’s been better single...Not to raise kids because we are doing that divorced anyway? you better just tell me cause I’m not gonna get it. Was this a trick question?
Gotta keep your head up.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 16, 2018:
I think it’s a fine meme.
Hilarious Clip - Christian Is Terrified By Logic Atheist Experience []
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 16, 2018:
I’m a bit tired of the shows where they debate stupid people. I miss Hitch, he could debate scholars and people who while being deluded on this topic were at least able to express themselves intelegently. The low hanging fruit call in shows aren’t doing it for me.
Are there no patriots left among Republican politicians?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 16, 2018:
I expect Trump supporters to reach new lows as soon as Democrats take the reins again. I don’t expect a Civil War, but I do expect civil unrest. We are divided in unrelenting ways with no room to compromise! I’m not going to compromise on woman’s rights, I’m not going to compromise on freedom of speech and I’m not going down without a fight.
Building a Nation of Lies, Fear And Hate
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 16, 2018:
Sadly acurate
Allergies to some foods???
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 16, 2018:
He won. NOT.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 16, 2018:
You sure he wasn’t running to get the pee tape?
If You Still Support Trump You Are a Traitor - He Denounced the US Agencies Next to Putin
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 16, 2018:
I feel like I’ve been saying that forever!
Why Buddhism?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 16, 2018:
“If science finds Buddhism to be wrong it is Buddhism that must change”, was the phrase that resonated with me most during the time I attended weekly teachings. For me that phrase became a mantra. It is the phrase that separates Buddhism from dogma and allowed me to see it as a practice and not a religion.
And that is why I don't watch the news any more
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 16, 2018:
You can’t take anything at face value... you need 3 sources to have enough insight to make a determination of what is most likely true, none of them can be FOX, since they fit the littoral definition of propaganda.
Theists and believers
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 16, 2018:
Nobody checked my religious proclivities nor would what I think show up on a DNA test.
Saw it today.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Saw this the other day, as for repetive posting this should get posted everyday on every platform.
And this is a threat?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Yea... the Bible sucks!
Fox News Op-Ed: Atheists Are ‘Bullies’ Who Try To Force Their Beliefs On Others - The ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 15, 2018:
The very definition of religion might as well be to force your beliefs on other people... as an atheist I don’t have beliefs, just scientific facts that lack evidence of intervention. I feel so bad for any theists forced to here facts. Also I, like most don’t give a shit if someone is religious... at least not until they try and make policy based on delusion, then I do a bunch of caring.
15 Hilarious Nicknames Donald Trump Has Been Called. What's your favorite?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Mango Mussolini
Much of he talk on this site refers to Christianity.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 15, 2018:
They are all fake so the conversation is the same, insert the religion of your choice. I don’t really discuss religion much and would rather discuss the things that are real. I dismiss them all in favor of science and a realistic view of the natural world.
Is this why most men won't ask for directions?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 15, 2018:
I asked for direction once.
Free will?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 15, 2018:
For the next 30 seconds try not to have free will, if you can’t do it it must be because you have free will.
I am curious if anyone ever wonders how can this really smart person believe in God?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Politics has made me realize just how common it is for two people to look at the same thing and see somthing completely different, really drives it home.
I'm trying rice again!!
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 14, 2018:
Rice cooker is definitely the easiest way to have perfect rice every time but frankly even when I do it on the stove top it’s perfect every time… Rinse the rice well, put it in the pot, water just covering the rice, bring to a boil, then lower it to a simmer, time it for 20 Minutes. The words, “hey Siri set timer for 20 minutes” makes it fail proof even on the stove :-)
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 12, 2018:
Seems legit.
Men's underwear
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 12, 2018:
Whitey tightness are never acceptable under any circumstances and no self-respecting man should ever be seen wearing socks while still in his underwear, always remove the socks first because you don’t wanna look like a dork for even those three seconds, trust me guys… This will fix your life!
The Dead South - In Hell I'll Be In Good Company I have really been into these lesser known ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 12, 2018:
Good stuff
If close friends or family were going to off themselves in Mass form in the name of their religion ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 12, 2018:
I would tie them to chairs and make them watch Hithens for 12 hrs, then untie them and see what they do.
Ok y'all this needs memed and I suck at making them. Have at!
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 12, 2018:
Even a window licker that looks like Trump would be preferable to Trump.
Say what! Til death do us part.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 12, 2018:
If she is dead and still telling me what to do we are going to need a deeper hole!
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 12, 2018:
And sometimes you fall because you fell.
This killed me.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 12, 2018:
My Uncle Enzo to my mother in the driveway of our house on Staten Island in 1978, “if I want to speak in the vernacular of the streets i’ll speak in the vernacular of the streets”.
I guess we're all going to hell. ;)
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 12, 2018:
I just asked Siri to show me Hell on a map and it pulled up a map with a pulsing dot at my location, we are having oatmeal and coffee in Hell this morning.
Who here enjoys herbal tea?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 12, 2018:
I drink ginseng tea almost every day… But never in the morning because that’s my coffee time :-)
Migrant Babies Are Making Appearances In Court, The Late Show []
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 11, 2018:
It takes a genius to make the sad truth funny.
Happy hump day!
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 11, 2018:
Then the one on the left said, marrow me.
Imagine you're on death row!
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 11, 2018:
A huge jaw breaker.
What is the craziest, most impulsive thing you've ever done?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 11, 2018:
I typed it but then deleted it because I don’t know you all that well. But I don’t regret it:)
Caution ... Church Ahead!
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 11, 2018:
I’d like to put one of those up in front of a church near here and sit in the park across the street on Sunday morning and watch the fun.
You Don't See This Often
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 11, 2018:
I think the car put the wrong end in it's, mouth?
The Hand of Fate – Jay P. Schryer
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 11, 2018:
Fate or karma… I think of karma as a way to create your own fate. I don’t think it’s mystical but more like a self fulfilling prophecy. Guilt from negitive actions may leave you predisposed to negitive outcomes making your past seem congruent with an outcome. Positive behavior leads to positive results, fate/karma is the product of your actions. No hand and not guided by an intelligence greater than the self.
How do you feel about religious music being played in a gym?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 11, 2018:
It’s unacceptable to play music with an agenda in a place that should be welcoming to a cross-section of society.
What if the Universe is the ultimate creator? Does that make it god?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 11, 2018:
No, since it is not a conscious force. Nature is I suppose anything not man made? Funny that we think of ourselves as separate from nature. A birds nest is nature but your house isn’t. If we are part of nature and a product of the natural world than even the silicone chip is nature. It seems bizarre to me that anyone thinks God is a real thing... the universes is nature from all we can explore to all we can’t. I don’t need evidence to prove a ridiculous made up story isn’t real... but the universe is not god, it’s home.
A little round in the bump.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 11, 2018:
I like it... I would proudly date a woman in that... But if I tried to show her all the places I’ve been I get slapped.
Why I Want a Republican to Replace Trump.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 11, 2018:
I disagree, a Republican will keep pouring salt in the wound, say goodbye to democracy, civil war would be preferable to that but won’t ever happen... the last civil war was made up of organized army’s... north and south... what would a civil war look like today? A couple of hundred assholes with torches is not a Civil War, but that’s what you would get... unorganized mobs... let them try! It would be unsustainable. How would you even know who the enemy is? Am I supposed to just shoot anybody with a pick up truck?... vote Republicans the fuck out, we are living with what Republican have caused (with Russia’s help) ... enough!!!!
God is a woman who ejaculated the whole universe into existence when she masturbated in the ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 11, 2018:
If that’s true why do I see “universe” behind the hand,... your welcome.
Nasty Naming!
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 10, 2018:
Richard Weed.
The right one.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 10, 2018:
What are some of your personal “rules” that you never break?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 10, 2018:
Never play a polka after midnight and be there to pick up the pieces when the people around me fall apart.
Worst song to ever win an award?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 10, 2018:
I’m sorry to do this but I refuse to have this ear worm alone, click if you dare:)
No, I Don’t Want Trump Gone, Yet.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 10, 2018:
I think it’s gonna get messy!
"Date a black guy" they said. "It will be fun" they said.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 10, 2018:
That’s some deep humor.
Verdad (True)
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 10, 2018:
Never get a tattoo in a language you don’t understand.
Neil Young, Cortez the Killer.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 10, 2018:
I think you’re missing the link but I happen to know the tune and it’s awesome :-)
What are your opinions on mukbang videos?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 10, 2018:
I just googled it… Maybe I’ll make a vegan Muk-bang video:)
Would you date someone who is a self-proclaimed psychic/intuitive?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 10, 2018:
I’ve been seeing someone who is a Witch, hasn’t been a problem. She thinks she put a spell on me, I’m ok with that:) The important thing is she is not an educator nor is she in politics ... she is aniTrump so we have that going for us.
Hi to anyone who is reading this ?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 10, 2018:
Well at least you get judged favorably:) cheers
Donald Trump Lied About Jimmy Kimmel []
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 10, 2018:
Every time Donald Trump tells a lie an immigrant child is ripped from the arms of its mother. While that might not be completely accurate there’s More truth to it than what most of what Donald Trump says.
I posted this in the Poetry group but it is a poem about Trump so I am posting it here as well.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Excellent turns of phrase, sadly accurate. Good poetry from an uncomfortable reality.
When atheists say "oh God", they are not referring to any actual God, just as "Oh shit" is not a ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Accurate enough. I use all then all! Baby Jesus, Mary, god or the devil, rated G F bombe.
Natural Women
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 9, 2018:
I like a person to be and look healthy, the need for fakeup disappears... that includes mental health... happy people are better looking:)
This Is The Secret Meaning Behind The Devil's Number 666
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 9, 2018:
If a thing is bullshit you don’t need to analyze it to deeply unless you want to know what the bull ate.
MEN: What would your reason be for asking a woman what she does for a living, upon meeting her?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 9, 2018:
It’s an exchange of information, small talk. ...if the answer is stunt pilot as apposed to baker it tells me allot, one would make me fat and the other nauseous:)
Something to think about.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 9, 2018:
I have 9 Twitter pages... One for atheist tweets, another for vegan tweets and seven anti-trump accounts. It’s digital resistance! I’ve sent direct Tweets to Mango Mussolini and I use me real name on my largest acct, if they have people on a list for decent I’m on it.
We are living in a country run by bastards! On a daily basis we are showing the world that we ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 9, 2018:
We didn’t elect this one, the election was tampered was the biggest loss of anyone that ever won... and the electoral college needs to go... 3million is not chicken feed. Your voice should have the same impact no matter where you live in America.
Creation Science 101 Very funny, clever and telling song by Roy Zimmerman. []
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Love it, seen it before and plan to see it again:)
Taking a poll. Which is better for making love. Enigma or Yanni?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Who here listened to the Bee Gees?[]
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 8, 2018:
We did a bee gees night with our pizza tonight because my 14 year old daughter asked if we could... my kids are strange, cool but strange:)
Existentialism dump.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 8, 2018:
I have kids... the genes of my ancestors have made it this far and further they shall go. We are all the lottery winners. It doesn’t mean anything but it means even less when you don’t exist. We will live in the future generations, that’s pretty cool... and if you never had kids you are writing the end of a story, make it a good ending.
Life is a bitch and then you die.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 8, 2018:
I don’t cope with life, I cope with the moment. I cook, work, play music... I have my challenges as a divorced dad of 3 who is taking care of an elderly parent but what’s to cope, in this moment all is fine:) If I fall of the rails I stop and regain perspective... nobody is poking me in the eye with a stick so might as well smile:)
He's fully erect!
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 8, 2018:
She’s a looker.
Would you get married if you met the right person and what would the marriage actually mean to you?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 8, 2018:
No, ... And the right person doesn’t want to get married either.
So yeah. I can't cook.... I'm going to starve to death.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 8, 2018:
I think I see where you’ve gone wrong? Next time try cooking each individual grain separately, place a grain of rice in a tablespoon almost full with water and use a cigarette lighter to heat it from underneath, 2 1/2 weeks later when you have enough rice cooked to fill your bowl find a black bean.... Standby for further instructions.
What kind of person are you a sucker for?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 8, 2018:
I’m a misunderstood sarcastic dude with insomnia. I’m kind with a slightly warped sense of humor... people are often not sure if I’m kidding but when the shit gets serious I can be counted on.
I just watched a mosquito throw up after biting me.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Did you hold his hair back?
Statistically, you're more likely to be killed by a cow than a shark yet, the Discovery Channel ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 8, 2018:
I have naught to do with cows, I’ve beat the odds. A bovine quadruped on a bicycle is utterly ridiculous.
I'll bet the reason that newborn babies cry is because reincarnation is real and they're just ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 8, 2018:
0f all the unlikely things this is my favorite.
My spirit animal is a turtle stuck on it's back in the middle of the road.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 8, 2018:
The octopus! ?
TOSTONES Fried Green Plantains Tostones are sliced, fried plantains made with green plantains ...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 7, 2018:
I haven’t made them in years, I may be feeling inspired:) ... my press was the bottom of a glass.
First, I don't seem be getting notifications when things are posted here.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 7, 2018:
That’s some old school stuff... We have a banjo player in our lineage as well. I’ve got my Grandfathers 1929 Paramount tenor.. I have no recordings of it... some of his mandolin stuff survived. That’s nice stuff to have.
One of my many tasteless memes
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 7, 2018:
It’s not tasteless if it’s more likely to be the truth then what millions believe.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Don’t fix too many things that aren’t broken, you’ll break it :-)
I have no words for this...
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Yup, that’s my beach.
I hope the food is good, the company sucks
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 6, 2018:
I would assume he has Led Zep in his rock collection?
(What an absolute idiot!) Woman arrested after racist rant on bus []
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 6, 2018:
I hope she ends up needing a blood transfusion and the only donor around is an immigrant!
A little science/ drinking humor.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 6, 2018:
I like my Guinness:) it solves many of the problems associated with sobriety and it’s great with pizza;)
Way too many
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 6, 2018:
The pipes are the old galvanized stuff, the seepage is leaking into everything..
I've been a vegetarian for over 8 years.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 6, 2018:
When I went vegan I mentioned it to a coworker and he asked me if I had told my mother I was gay yet? He was an asshole, not only doesn’t he work there anymore I can’t remember his name.
Anyone wanna go grab a beer sometime?
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 6, 2018:
Sure, be at brogues Downunder in Lake Worth Florida tomorrow night at eight and I’ll buy you a Guinness.
Lions eat 'rhino poachers' on South African game reserve - BBC News
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 6, 2018:
It takes a lot to get me to rejoice in the demise of another human being… People that would hunt and kill an endangered species for profit get no remorse for me.
I know it's summer right now, but I was just wondering . . .
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 6, 2018:
I’ve never met or even seen my mail carrier nor do I even know if it’s the same one all the time and all they bring is junk mail and bills. The bills I already know about and pay online and the junk mail I don’t need, plus it’s unneeded impact on the environment … Other than a birthday card from my sister I think it’s bordering on obsolete.
Okay guys, I want to ask a question.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 6, 2018:
I haven’t liked the pictures on anybody’s profile… I don’t really go to profiles much, usually just if my finger slips... on occasion though just to see who’s behind a grand post:), haven’t liked on a pic... but I’m not looking for a date... I just like atheists:)
Beard or no beard
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 6, 2018:
Dragging razor blades across my face never appealed to me… I’m far more comfortable in my beard ... but you do you :-) ... that said, If you have a beard and can’t change a tire, shave! ... ok, stole that from a meme... follow your chi:)
And we may never know.
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 5, 2018:
Not even Dr. Seuss?
This is something I would do ☻☻☻☻
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 5, 2018:
I’m not a believer in marriage, neither the government nor the church should be in my life. Also, since I’m divorced I feel I’ve done the research.
Pushed into atheism..
ArdentAtheist comments on Jul 5, 2018:
No, just never paid it any mind... did the Holliday things out of culture, tradition and family but never believed in a God. They had me going longer with the Santa Claus thing.


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  • BirthdayJune 19
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