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Hello. My name is Chuck. I happen to have a rather slender physique. However, I am very keenly attracted to ladies who are full-figured including very obese, and I want to convey my unwavering support and assurance to them that some men, such as myself, definitely prefer a very plus-sized woman rather than a sylph or a Barbie!!

coolcatfluffo2 4 Dec 20
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Thanks for the heads up. This was posted before I was a moderator. I remember seeing it at the time, was not impressed but there was no immediate response to it from members, which did not surprise me. By the time there were responses, I'd pretty much forgotten about the post and didn't get notifications of the comments.

He has not posted further on the group and is not following any of our members so perhaps the first response, questioning his appropriateness, discouraged him from further hunting on this group. I will keep an eye on him, now that I'm a moderator I watch the posts pretty closely. If he tries trolling for women again, I will address this issue and/or remove him from the group.

@DotLewis Haha dang I did not look at the date stamp - Sorry Dot!

Damn I was lurking the Forums looking for stuff for the Bulletin Board. My bad - I will be more cautious in future. I own you some cats.

@RavenCT That's OK, jogged my memory so if he shows up again, I'll (hopefully) remember this discussion and have a better idea what to do with him. Hopefully, he will just disappear since he didn't appear to get any "full-figured"......etc. women jumping on that offer and with his "rather slender physique" can't see what other interest the group would present to him.


So you're a BBW chaser.


I would hope this group would not allow members like this.

DeStijl Level 6 Dec 27, 2018

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Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

Posted by DotLewisTrade wars?

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