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Hello everyone 🙂 so...I am desperately trying to lose weight and last weekend I ate way to many sweets. Why am I like this? Sometimes I can't really control myself at all 😟 I regret it shortly after eating. How do you guys overcome the urge to eat? I crave unhealthy foods and sugar way too often. I need to lose 35 pounds.

Alexa 5 Apr 23
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I relate to the OP. As far as I'm concerned,sugar really is a drug,up there with alcohol and 'harder' substances that are known to be hard to kick-but it's legal,everywhere and I like it ! I also agree that the longer you stay away from sweet stuff,the easier it is to stay away....but they are always bringing in free stuff at work.An odd form of torture,but true nontheless. I avoid certain shops and if I don't keep chocolate or biscotti in the house,it's amazing how much of the urge to eat sweet is impulsive; an hour or less later,you forget you ever craved anything,as long as you can be distracted.I'm slowly considering hypnosis......

Withnail69 Level 1 Nov 28, 2019

That photo is of the pregnant actress in her movie KNOCKED UP .....SHE worked for the same satellite/cable channel as Howard Stern.....instant eating is like instant fucking.....take a deep breath and resume meal planning calorie counting ....the Atkins diet is high fiber fruits and veggies very low carbohydrate foods chosen....that means zero starch or sugars....and drink Zevia natural beverages not DIEt beverages with sweet formaldehyde substitutes for sweeteners....Stevia leaf powder is harmless zero calorie sweetener totally natural....aspartame sucralose whatever chemicals are poisoning our planet KEEP YOU HOOKED ON SWEETS....high protein foods can be vegan or meat but the key to losing stored body fat is reducing the food that caused the fat to form....INCREASING foods that require high energy to digest....blueberries blackberries strawberries apple skins pulp rich juices all have fiber and cellulose that burn up energy to wishes walking bicycling swimming to a slimmer future....making love with a skinny lover is also a healthy way to lose weight....low carb beer is ok no sweet booze like liqoures


Eat the sweets INSTEAD of dinner (or whatever meal is next). You will get, probably, ill from the overload & consume about the same calories as a meal. No harm, no foul, and less powerful craving next time as you realize how it will make you feel.

AnneWimsey Level 9 May 20, 2019

Let me share a scary map GIF....


Let me add that we're here because we're fighting an addiction started before we could walk and our well-meaning parents. Don't be angry with them, don't blame them. But realize it's a deep-seated addiction that won't be easy to cure.

Robecology Level 9 Apr 24, 2019

I think we all recognise the scenario - telling yourself to resist while at the same time putting whatever it is in your mouth. The solutions suggested here are all good but don't really solve the problem. There needs to be a lot more research into why so many of us who who have no problem with determination and self-control in every other aspect of our lives, have such a problem with food.

CeliaVL Level 7 Apr 24, 2019

I have to avoid sweets completely. There is no such thing as "just a little". The longest you go without, the easier it is. In the book I'm reading to help (The Beck Diet Solution) she calls it strengthening your resistance muscle. The more you resist, the easier it is to resist.


I have food addictions, so I get it. It's not easy to curb them. I have to be aware of those urges that prompt me to want to eat when I'm not physically hungry. Usually it's stress-related. I try not to keep pastries or cookies in the house or I'd probably devour them, but I still having weaknesses for bread, cheese, and ice cream, which I sometimes need to have limited quantities available. It's also harder living with others who don't have these problems.

bleurowz Level 8 Apr 23, 2019
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