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29 July 2019 - Diet Diary- Really late tonight, made jelly from the chokecherries I picked over the weekend. Made a lower sugar version, using part splenda to sweeten. It turned out very good, I ate about a teaspoon of it on a cracker, well after my eating time.

Numbers for the day were good, weight down 0.2 lb and intake was 866. More tomorrow on how the dr. visit went.

DotLewis 7 July 30
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Hi, Dot...

I hear you about the low-sugar thing...I've swtiched from straight sugar to splenda (sucralose) and sugar (in my AM coffee)

Sucralose, BTW is by far the safest of all the artificial's just one molecule away from sucrose (C6H12O6) so the liver and kidneys can metabolize it easily.

Straight sugar gives me a jittery "high" anyway....I'm sure I'm borderline diabetic.

Back up to 149....just passed "birthday" weekend so I'm struggling with rich cakes and brownies that well intended (but thoughtless) friends gave me....and of course I can't just "dump" them!

You've inspired me to get my a....s in gear and go swim some laps...

Robecology Level 9 July 30, 2019

I use quite a bit of the sucralose in coffee and drinks (tea/koolaid type) I had heard it was "healthier" than the others and was hoping so as getting away from sweet tasting stuff is a whole other challenge. Fortunately, none of the blood panels I've had have ever shown signs of diabetes. My uncle had it, (severe) and it scares me.

Sorry about the weight jump but it happens. Even though the temptations are bothersome, be happy that you have friends that want to treat you for your birthday. I get through mine pretty easy as no one drops off treats for me so unless I bake myself a cake/brownies, I can avoid some of that.

During the winter holidays it is harder because I get SO into the baking, candy making mood and I give little boxes of treats to neighbors and friends. Of course there is always plenty to go around so I have a real struggle to not have TOO much of it. That is why for the 2 years I've been dieting, I take off from November until ..... well, whenever I kick back into gear. I just work on maintaining during that time and even that is a challenge.

Good luck with your re-boot, enjoy your swimming. Although I love the water aerobics class, I'm a terrible swimmer. I was too indoctrinated by my grandmother who "worried" about me a lot. She warned me regularly of the potential hazards of getting near or in the water and by the time I was old enough to go to the pool on my own, I was thoroughly scared of water above my chin. Even 3 rounds of swimming lessons did not make a swimmer out of me. I can swim as long as it was in water I can stand up in if I need to. Do an extra lap for me! 🙂

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