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23 Nov 2019 - Diet Diary - No effort at diet today at all. Spent the day working at the senior center, preparing for the fall dinner/fundraiser. Didn't end up nearly as successful as we hoped, ended up 4H put on a dinner at the same time and around here that is a popular organization so serious competition. Spent the day chopping, cooking, cleaning, etc. Got a free meal for my time and it was good. Did use a small plate (kind of by accident) but had a little turkey, ham, potatoes, dressing, green beans, corn and cranberry sauce. So, T-day dinner, early.

Got to bring home some of the excess leftovers, some ham and plenty of mashed potatoes. Going to make potato soup this week. Add some celery, carrots, garlic & onions. Maybe a little cheese. Soup is my go to winter meal, any kind of soup and potato is a nice, soothing soup for a cold day. Better get to bed, have to get up in the morning and clean then relight the water heater. "Safety feature" shuts it off when it gets a build up of dust under the burner so that happened today as well. My eye appointment got moved to Monday due to snow storm that screwed up my travel yesterday(Friday). Need hot water, would hate to go traveling with someone else, to a dr. appointment without a shower. Right? Hope to spend part of Sunday doing absolutely nothing but resting.

DotLewis 7 Nov 24
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Oh...bad Dot...bringing home leftover mashed potatoes? You know better...ham? Wise. Green veggies...wise....potatoes? breads? ugggh.

Robecology Level 9 Nov 24, 2019

Yeah, but I made an awesome soup for supper. Celery, carrots, ham, a small sweet potato, onion, garlic (almost too much) some 1% milk and fat free cream cheese. It was very thick, filling soup. Shared with my neighbor, who proclaimed it "good" although she generally says that about anything I take over for her to eat.
I don't buy potatoes very often, typically, if I buy 5 lbs, I end up having them long enough that the last pound or two has gone wrinkly and grown sprouts but I hate seeing good stuff wasted so I'm a sucker when it is a take some or it gets tossed situation. Just have to limit how much of it I eat in a day. I DID NOT however bring home any of the bread rolls they had made for the dinner, even though they looked quite lovely. Didn't even eat one of the REALLY beautiful cinnamon rolls they also had made, although I could have been convinced to bring one home if the right moment had come up. 😉

LOL Dot manages her weight without being vegan, which may be due or partly due to luck having a body that efficiently processes animal products, or she may have an iron will. Either way she is successful at controlling weight.

I love bread, especially when I make it. Although, bread is easy to overeat.

@EdEarl Indeed....breads and potatoes are very rare treats for me. I have 3 slices left in the fridge...I do one slice of open PB and J on rare occasions. I just took a few leftover Thanksgiving frozen containers and pulled out the potatoes...and put them down the drain....I don't love them enough to want my system to have that nearly pure starch....

@Robecology potatoes have more nutrients than bread, and fewer calories, unless potatoes are loaded with fat or oil. I know, you are low carb.

@EdEarl That depends on lots of factors. You can make a very nutrient dense or carb-dense bread...potatoes are scientifically almost 100% C12H22O11...starch. They're boring without spices, butter, creams, etc. Potato SKINS have some decent nutrients, fiber, etc. If I indulge myself with a (carb dense) bagel or English muffin...I take the time to thin-cut them; essentially making four slices out of each.

@Robecology Carb density is not something I watch closely; calories are mt enemy.

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