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Budgie ❤ - Black Velvet Stallion

Black velvet stallion, you are gone
Chasing a windsong, be my son
Always here wondering
Hoof beats are thundering through me
Maybe you're running from me

Black velvet stallion are you near
Carry me far away from my fear
Son of an Arab mare
Roaming on solid air and free
While you are living be free

Black velvet stallion be alone
Send me a messenger me home
Pictures and silhouettes
Spending a pirouette on me
Maybe you're coming to me

Black velvet stallion you're my child
Flower of tenderness growing wild
Look through my wilderness
No one would ever guess you're me
What I am seeing is me

There's a light, covers up my doorway Flickering light, never run away And I might, I might be going your way Say who might, might help me on my way Mmm, what a sight, sight to burn the ego Keep you warm and never let go

And the light coming my way,
Compared to what others have seen
Napoleon the strong he once had it
As a sound that was loud in his dream

And I stand, locked before the four ways
Wind and snow, heaven and I
I be wherever men like that stay
I can feel it burning in my eyes

And the light coming my way
Compared to what others have seen
Napoleon the strong he once had it
As a sound that was loud in his dream

Heavens child, it's driving me wild,
Honey I know that it's right
Well, I got this message that makes me feel good
Carries me out through the night
Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me!

Well, I move through life like a hurricane lamp
Lighting the road as I go
Spreading this music, injecting the light
Please let it stay, never go
Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me!

And I think of napoleon and others before
Parallels seem to exist
I follow it, follow it, keep it in sight
Napoleon would never have missed
Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me!

Open up your mind
Open up your purse
Never, never, never gonna lose it

Take it all away
Never give an inch
Gotta make a mint
Gotta make a million

You got it wrong
Some time friend's gonna lose it
In the end who's a fool?

Give it all away
Stay a bird
Stay a man
Stay a ghost
Stay what you wanna be

Give it all away
Never stay with the winner
With the man
With the money

Roughin' up the town
With the gal
With a record on the top
If you're gonna be a bad boy

Finger in the pie
In the sky
Put a guinea on the nose
Of a gee gee

Come on
Keep it on the side
With a ride
On a throne
In the middle of an island

Loser, give it all away
‘Cause I'm never gonna stay
‘Cause I don't need it

Don't you feel it in your veins?
All the money in this world
And I don't need it

Qualia 8 Apr 22
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Charlene Level 9 Apr 23, 2018

Thank you for the next two songs! I liked Napoleon Bona, and Breadfan, I have heard quite a bit! Awesome songs! Thanks for sharing!


I just checked out the comments on YouTube. So the album was written for a fan girl! That's interesting! Plus the name of the album was from a poem she wrote to him. Interesting story! Now I'm a fan too! I like their music but now I want to research more about them! Thank you!

❤ Isn't that amazing?
ah ya made my day. I'll add a couple more favs. I've several of their albums on vinyl. Idk what made me think of them today, have the melancholy bad of fit. I'm a little bummed there's nothing on amazon to upload digitally that I want from them. sigh...
/needs a digital turntable to convert....

Being a rock star's wife must suck a lot.

@Qualia I have dated some musicians and even though they just play in little shit dive bars, they have their groupies! I look forward to hearing more music from you! Bring it on! Love it! Happy to know that it made your day! Older music is such a gem, I hope that these companies do pick them up so we don't loose them!


They are a great band! Yes, so sad that they didn't make the money like Metallica did using their sound! It's a shame! Love listening to this band! Thank you for sharing it!

the comments on the youtube vid on this were interesting regarding the lyrics fwiw. 🙂

@Qualia I need to check that out! Thank you! I will get back to you on this!


One of the bands that Metallica copied their sound!

I love Budgie so much... it's still fresh to me. Timeless. It's criminal they never made the money Metallica did.

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