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AC/DC Overdose ❤ Bon ❤

I never smoked with no cigarettes
I never drank much booze
But I'm only a man, don't you understand
And a man can sometimes lose
You gave me something I never had
Pulled me down with you
Pulled me up, think I'm in love
Hope you can pull me through
I overdosed on you
I overdosed on you
Crazy but it's true
Ain't nothing I can do
I overdosed on you
Oh woman you give to me
More than I can take
But listen honey, I don't mind
You're a habit I don't want to break
Don't want none of that hard stuff
Don't need it anymore
I'm in love, and I'm sinking fast
And I don't need no cure
I overdosed on you
I overdosed on you
Crazy but it's true
Ain't nothing I can do
I overdosed on you
Gee I was happy as a man could be
To far gone to escape
Power of love, don't pull me off
Just write on my grave
I overdosed on you
I overdosed on you
Crazy but it's true
Ain't nothing I can do
I overdosed on you
On you, on you, on you
All over you
All over you
Overdosed on you
Overdosed on you


Qualia 8 Apr 28
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Charlene Level 9 Apr 28, 2018

❤ I cling to every syllable Bon ever uttered! I was thrilled to find that peel session today!!!


Love Bon Scott era AC/DC!!!

Me too ❤ I stopped listening to them after he died. I'll tolerate back in black if I have to but never put it on myself.

@Qualia I did the same! Yes, back in black if I have to! Wow! Lol

@MichelleGar1 Separated @ birth!!! LMAO!!! ❤

@MichelleGar1 I see we both have Texas in us! I'm an expat! Born raised. /HOMESICK but it's too GD hot for me anymore 😟

@Qualia I know! Separated at birth! This is so interesting! Where do you live now?!

@Qualia yes, it really hot here! San Antonio, you have the humid heat and here we have the very dry heat in the 100's, ugh!

@MichelleGar1 I'd rather have dry heat. In SE Michigan now... acclimated immediately to the cooler temps but would prefer a longer growing season and clean air. Super dirty area here...sigh

@Qualia ugh! That sucks! I think San Antonio is beautiful and the surrounding areas! I've never been to Michigan! Too bad it's dirty over there!

@MichelleGar1 It's mostly just our area. There are clean great and beautiful parts of Mich, just not where we're at!


Bon is audio porn to me. GAH ❤ Hottest dead guy ever.

Qualia Level 8 Apr 28, 2018

You always post great music! Music from my past that brings such great memories! Too bad you don't live nearby so we can talk over lunch!

@MichelleGar1 I'd love that! 🙂 🙂 🙂

@Qualia me too! I would love to hear what you have to say about these bands, how you started to listen to them and why!

@MichelleGar1 You're so sweet ❤ ❤ What about you?
I was FOS young, imagined myself the blond female Bon Scott. LMAO -not much of a fangirl in general, except when it comes to him.

I grew up in San Antonio where there was an amazeball radio dj there named Joe Anthony(RIP) when I was growing up. He played the best stuff. So I have to give him credit too. 😀
Also heavily influenced later by the college station KSYM.
Not much to do in SA but listen to the radio or fuck at the time.

@Qualia I grew up and still live in far West Texas, a city named El Paso. I would hangout at my friend's houses who had older brothers that we're musicians. Instead of practicing cheerleading, which I despised, I would sneak off and hangout with their brother's! So much fun! I remember when Bon Scott passed away, we listened to AC/DC all day, the same with John Bonham, Zeppelin all day! I was very young but they were the fun "bad boys" lol

@MichelleGar1 It's always great to have savvy older kids pass on their cool to the next set 😀

@Qualia so true! My daughter has my same music taste's!

@MichelleGar1 Isn't that fun??? !!!
My girl & I aren't 100% but good enough and it's fun to turn her onto things.

@Qualia yes!! It is fun! Whenever I hear her put on a song that I had her listen to and she loves it just as much as I do! Awwww I get the momma bear feelings!

@MichelleGar1 ❤ Love that!

@Qualia me too, thank you

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