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I've lost 63 pounds and I am down to the last 18 which are not budging. I also find that I have to work really hard to get my heart rate up and keep it up. I do interval training, spin classes, jog-run-sprints, bodyweight work...but I can't seem to progress. I've stalled. It gets frustrating, but I am happy with my achievement so far.

Iamdorkyanddaft 5 May 5
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Amazing. Congrats. Have you tried intermittent fasting?

Spelltzer Level 3 May 10, 2018

Like @ronin73 and @inkdabink said, plateaus are common. The first time I tried to get in shape 25 years ago, I couldn't understand why my weight loss stalled since I was exercising as much or more, but everybody I know has had the same thing happen. I don't sweat it anymore. Great job you have done so far!


Hi the fitter you get, the more efficient your heart becomes. So, your HR will lower. Not being able to get it up to previous levels is a good sign!
Usually when someone "plateaus" the advice is take a break. Do stuff you enjoy for a week or two and don't focus on weight loss. Focus on enjoying life!
This advice applies to you, I and even Olympic athletes.
Return refreshed and your body will naturally begin adapting to exercise again.
Huge oversimplication, but that is it basically ?

inkdabink Level 4 May 5, 2018

@dorkyndaft Exactly. If you're after change in physical appearance weighing yourself doesn't give you the information you want. Take measurements, get a quality bodyfat test, look in a mirror and examine your appearance without being overly critical or check how your clothes fit. All of these will give you the information you want and weighing yourself doesn't. I'm not trying to minimize your body transformation sucess because what you've done is truly impressive but I'm going by the visual images in your pictures. One other thing to try would be some progressive resistance weight training. The more muscle mass you have the faster your metabolism and therefore the easier it is to lose and keep from gaining fat. It's always inspiring to see someone transform their body so dramatically. Congratulations!


Congrats! That is awesome progress. How long have you been working at your goal?

Donna_I Level 8 May 5, 2018

@dorkyndaft that is impressive! I have been working out for almost a year and have lost about 15 to 20 pounds and still have about that much to go but I have not been strict on calorie intake. 🙂 good luck!

@dorkyndaft thanks! ☺

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Posted by DorkyndaftGood morning!

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Posted by Aeonia25850Just for a laugh! Right now I'm pushing these legs of mine hard with the weights and on the bike and am seeing good results.

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Posted by tinebeanOver St Patrick's day weekend I participated in my first pickleball tournament & took 3rd place! All that practice was fun, an excellent cardio workout and won me a little bronze medal! ? Woo hoo!

Posted by tinebeanOver St Patrick's day weekend I participated in my first pickleball tournament & took 3rd place! All that practice was fun, an excellent cardio workout and won me a little bronze medal! ? Woo hoo!

Posted by AllenaNot my normal weekend workout, but it sure was fun!

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