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Well just when you think that the SCC can't go any lower, they have revoked the power of Mel-kiss-a-dick priest to administer the sacrament in their own home to their own families and neighbors, because doing so is discouraging people from coming back to church and thus causing a large drop in tithing, so from now on Priesthood holders may only give the sacrament in the stake, ward or branch to which they belong.

LenHazell53 9 Sep 24
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Wait until they realize that a whole bunch of members have figured out how nice it is to stay home on Sunday.

Oh that is happening already, the numbers of inactives are rocketing.


If they can't excise money out of the membership one way ....

RussRAB Level 8 Sep 24, 2020

Life is so tough.....


There are two priesthoods. If one is the Mel-kiss-a-dick priesthood, is the other called the Iron-dick priesthood?

When I was first taking the lessons as a boy I honestly thought the lesser priesthood was called the Ironic.

@LenHazell53 And for the ladies, there is the Sexual Tension Relief Society. 😛

Is it the Iron-dick priesthood because these sexually budding youths have no means of release? No premarital sex of any kind, no masterbation, no touching one's privates at all. If you really want a laugh, read the advice Elder Packer gave for the young men of the church. Wear tons of extra layers of clothing to bed to make your penis difficult to access. If necessary, tie your hand to the bedpost. Just a couple of the suggestions to keep young men from pleasuring themselves.

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Posted by LenHazell53Saw this on reddit, sums things up quite well I thought

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