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Easter is putting me under pressure. Politicians spouting about their beliefs, in front of churches, after attending services. 😡 I shouldn't have to avoid media about my political candidates & their campaigns ... to avoid religious BS.
And, Papal vs Orthodox christian divide, is mind-bending. It's front & centre due to Ukraine conflict. I'm following a particular soldier. 😪

Oh the frustration, another 24hr ban from FB.
In my Atheist Group ... I said "... stupid christians can't even agree when Easter is." Papal vs Orthodox christians calculate differently, Orthodox Easter is next weekend.
"Considering how important this guy's death & becoming a zombie seems to be; how can 'when it happened' be forgettable?" "And, they fight wars over this nonsense." [Sic, paraphrasing myself]

So, am I going to be blocked here?
How can this be more offensive than the many many humorous memes & comments about zombification?

BTW this is my second FB offence in 6 mths. I was blocked for 3 days for being racist. I said, in random comment ... "That'll put a chink in their armour"!! Meaning 'a notch in their armour', of course. No relatiinshio to anyone's race, not involving a soecific person, let alone of their known race. I disputed it, & lost!!!

Apologies ... frustrated by foolishness! I'm usually the defensive 'political correctness' advocate (espec gender pronouns, racist adjectives etc). I don't call individuals stupid, can an entire religion not handle that word, and yet fight wars over their stupid differences?

LizZyG 5 Apr 17
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Enjoy being online again!

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(Trying to remember someone being ''blocked'' for those reasons & can't.) People who have been ''mega-blocked'' here get in trouble for lying about their identity, attacking other members, etc. Hang in with nicely and we'll all get along.

LucyLoohoo Level 9 Apr 19, 2022

It doesn’t bother me at all.


We now have to contend with badly written algorithms and corporations gladly use them to isolate themselves away from their customers... Because they can.

racocn8 Level 9 Apr 17, 2022

An Obama administration official once had to resign for using the word "niggardly". People don't know the language any more.

Paul4747 Level 8 Apr 17, 2022

I think I'd flinch at niggardly, if I heard it; and, it's not in my regular vocabulary. I recall she used it repeatedly, educationally pushing boundaries, using it to explain the issue. Not a problem in my book.
But, 'chink in armour', didn't even register in my head, it's a phrase not a word, and onomatopoeiac . It's almost Shakespearean, or Chaucerean.

Pleased to see my post not blocked. Until someone complains, perhaps. 🤷🏼♀️

@LizZyG who, exactly, would anyone complain to????
@Garban, just above, just told you the site Admin has been AWOL for forever.
You could, if sufficiently contentious for no reason other than it's your hobby, find yourself frozen off the site because so many people individually blocked you....and that is Forever.
We prefer mature thought & discussion, (except for me, I am the resident Snark), not in-your-face BS for the sake of drama on here.

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Posted by KilltheskyfairySick of it!!!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyOn this date in 1941, Nora Ephron was born in New York City, the eldest of four daughters of Phoebe (Wolkind) and Henry Ephron, Jewish screenwriters.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyDangerous, indeed.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyOn March 25, 1934, feminist leader and journalist Gloria Steinem was born in Toledo, Ohio, to Leo and Ruth (Nuneviller) Steinem.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyWisconsin Supreme Court is right to limit religious exemption.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyGood job!!!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyJames Taylor - Atheist On this date in 1948, musician James Vernon Taylor was born in Boston, then grew up in Chapel Hill, N.

Posted by RobecologyHappy Birthday "meat head"! Rob Reiner's birthday in today, March 6, 1947. Here's his wiki bio;[] and here's his Twitter "freethought"

Posted by RobecologyA short-lived agnostic; Rosa Luxemburg was born March 5 1871. Here's her bio; [] and here's her "Tweet" from FFRF;

Posted by RobecologyI've been out of sorts; recovering from a fall and stroke; but here's an Agnostic American known as Natalie Angier, who had a birthday February 16th (1956) here's her Wiki bio; ...

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Posted by RobecologyYoung Charles Dickens only lived to be 58 years old; yet was an agnostic of great influence! February 7 is his birthday! Here's his Wiki bio; [en.

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Posted by RobecologyGood morning fellow Agnostics! Home from the hospital after several days.

Posted by RobecologyHappy January 14th birthday, Mr. Bond! []

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