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Florida judge lifts stay on smokable medical marijuana ...finally

ashortbeauty 8 June 6
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About time! Now we just need to make sure governor Skeltor never becomes a Senator and that Corporate shill Putnam never sets foot in the Governors office!



ShahJiggy Level 4 June 6, 2018

Yey that judge deserve some accolades .

Davis4v Level 2 June 6, 2018

I'm proud to say that here in WA pot's been legal since 2012. The main side effect was a big growth in the state's coffers. More states should do it.


A step in the right direction.

Gohan Level 7 June 6, 2018

You are all druggies, thats what ???

VAL3941 Level 8 June 6, 2018

You obviously didn't read the story

No I did not, but you are still druggies !

@VAL3941 once you take the time to gather the facts I'll bother to rebut your ridiculous claim

OK ! But you still druggies !

@VAL3941 again, did you bother to read the story yet or are you still simply opening your mouth without knowledge? We can't have an open discussion without that baseline. And btw, you're wrong and constantly acting like a 12 yr old

I know, I like to take the mickey out of people, and yous are still druggies ? Lol

@VAL3941 I have no idea what "the mickey out of people" means but I'm certain you've taken nothing from me. Are you an addict and that's why you're acting this way? There is a group for recovering addicts if you need it. You are still incorrect and it sounds like you will remain so due to your ignorance

Taking the Mickey out is the same a pulling your leg ! And yes you guys are still druggies ! LOL




About time. The Florida legislature with super majority Republicans are the most backwards knuckle dragging people I've ever dealt with in my politically active days. As a former paralegal, I found the Florida courts to be much more reasonable.

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