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Rick Scott

Aivery 7 Nov 12
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If it wasn't abortion and guns it'd be something else. The corporate 1% won't stop until they have it ALL. Too bad the brainwashed yokels don't understand they are only pawns in their far more sinister game.

Storm1752 Level 8 Nov 13, 2018

The crooked democrats are trying to steal the election so what in the hell are you talking about?

Trajan61 Level 8 Nov 12, 2018

Hey Tojan61 seems people in Oklahoma are getting sick of the bullshit and are voting democratic. Your kind will be extinct soon enough.

@Darthpug No democrat has carried the state of Oklahoma since 1964 so what are you talking about? Hell neither Obama or Hillary carried a single one of the 77 counties.


So it's not enough to want fewer people to vote through policy (which appears to be changing now that the voters did approve the post-sentence reinstatement of voting for many felons), it's that the GOP leadership want those who do vote to do so in person and in counties that report quickly, judging from recent posts. Not a good look, especially when some of us remember the 2000 election.

Brio77 Level 5 Nov 12, 2018

Has there ever been a bigger crook in Florida?

Secretguy Level 7 Nov 12, 2018

Scott is right down there with the White House guy. Both lower than low !

evergreen Level 8 Nov 12, 2018

OK stop counting... I win... Ugh...


What do you expect from the Republicans. They don't care about truth and fair play, just power.

noworry28 Level 8 Nov 12, 2018
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