5 2

I’m glad I found this App. We make up 25% of this country and with that amount of voting power why don’t we have at least that percentage of our politicians in office?

Charliesey 7 Dec 12
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It is depending on our perspective how we see movement. Born in 1951, I know see a hell of a lot of change but also ask why it is taking so long. My thought is conservatism, They always get afraid and retreat leaving us to inch ahead once again.
But NOW I can say with confidence, Never have we had this much progressive thought in the main stream. I believe the young of today can and will do what my time as a hippie and Viet Nam, made our impact. We are there and our talent pool is high, very high, Let go of the youthful frustration and seize the moment.

EMC2 Level 8 Apr 3, 2019

Latest polls show the stigma of being an atheist is now not last, socialists are last, we are second for last and muslims are third from last. However, we already have muslims and socialists in congress, much tougher for atheists because there are no atheist neighborhoods or districts, whereas you have districts that are heavy muslin or heavy socialist, not so with atheists, we are immersed in a sea of religion, that is why I foresee no elected openly atheist candidates any time soon.

Mofo1953 Level 9 Dec 13, 2018

I think we better start making our presence known. This administration doesn't just blur the lines between separation of church and totally wants to erase them!

Sharlee Level 5 Dec 12, 2018

Thanks for your comment Charl. Dave Welsh, aka weldy in Inverness, FL presently.

weldy Level 4 Dec 12, 2018

Hi Charlie. I have heard it is (sadly) more like 15% of the US population. But then most people don’t like to come out of the closet and admit to being atheist/agnostic. Who knows what the real number is... At least we can gather in numbers and become a force to be reckoned with.

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