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Florida Gov. Rick Scott breaks with NRA to sign new gun regulation.


ashortbeauty 8 Mar 11
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Its a step forward, but if its still easier to obtain a rifle in Florida than a handgun something definitely is wrong with the lax-ness of buying guns. The fact that now the NRA is going after the state's decision on rising the age of gun ownership to 21 shows just how much influence the NRA has in lobbying the government. Many other large companies do these lawsuits against state lawmakers to threaten reforms. They will continue to have immense power over congress by "buying" congressmen, until citizens united is repealed (another big issue, but related).

JamesA91 Level 5 Mar 11, 2018

There's something in it for him. Dick Snott never does anything that won't put a dime in his pocket.

78% of the population wanted something done. DIckie boy is running for the senate. Mystery solved.

At least his pandering accomplished something approaching decent.

Lucy_Fehr Level 8 Mar 11, 2018

This may be a controversial view point, and I welcome other opinions, but I can’t understand how the NRA can argue raising the age to 21 is bad thing, especially since mental illness is on the rise and only going to get worse...and now they are suing Florida because Scott took a stance against them! For those that argue that 18 year olds are allowed to fight in the military and therefore should also be allowed to own a weapon, I think the age to sign up should also be raised to 21 thereby taking the option of signing up straight out of high school with zero experience of real life. 18 is too young, especially in today’s society. Times have changed. Some of those kids leave the military at some point and find it difficult to function and adjust because they have had zero civilian point of reference in the ‘real world’ and have been conditioned at such a young age.

Hazydays Level 7 Mar 11, 2018

The NRA takes the stance that everyone should be armed at any age. Anything biting into that philosophy will be fought. If they lose one battle and move the age up, it gives credence to other battles that the NRA can be fought on. This bill signed by Scott is just a small step in the right direction, but it pales in comparison of what should actually be done.
I have to disagree with you on the age to enter the military. I signed up at 17 and went to basic at 18. I came from a poor upbringing and had no way to pay for college, I had a mentor of sorts that went to the Air Force Academy and I thought that was the best and easiest avenue to further my education. If I had to wait till I was 21, I would have gotten lost in the shuffle and probably wouldn't have taken a second look at the military at 21. I would perhaps give you the point that an 18-19 year old should not be put in a battlefield or wartime situation.

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