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Anyone else angry that DeSantis is not putting Florida under lockdown?
There are many businesses that put money before ethics (including the one I work for). I will be without any type of pay as they offer no sick time or vacation time of any kind, but for me the health of my mother and I is more important.

EyesThatSmile 8 Mar 23
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DeSantis has failed Florida

Mom3xs1 Level 4 July 16, 2020

DeSantis is the predictable disaster we should have seen coming. How we continue to elect these morons is beyong me.

norske60 Level 3 Apr 14, 2020
  • Supermarkets are doing a good job in North Port. They have signs all over to keep the distance. Some still ignore it; especially the fake faithful.

Yes xians are insane faling to learn precautions AND ONE PREACHER WAS ARRESTED IN FLORIDA refusing to close doors and keep people 6 feet apart


He is waiting to hear from his hero trump. FL christians don't believe in virus. They are under the impression that jesus will save them.


deSantis is worse than TrumpOLINI....both are evil incompetent profiteers uncaring for life or mother earth have rights to "constructive discharge" leaving a dangerous workplace
....file a civil rights complaint along with a claim for unemployment benefits....if your employer resists and denies your claim and complaint, a good lawyer will get you back pay and ReINSTATEMENT when the workplace has been made safe from the virus


He's not gonna do anything that goes against trump.

I work at Publix so you know where I am everyday. Found out today that 2 of the recent cases in my county shop in my store so just waiting for the fallout.

I will get paid if I get the virus or if a family member does until I use up my 500 hours of sick time

Lucy_Fehr Level 8 Mar 24, 2020

Can't believe how many people still out and about. I'm stuck working until I get sick, but that's the kind of job I signed up for. No one should be forced to work through this, especially folks with high risk family members. I am so sorry you're in the situation you're in. Stay healthy and strong!

synergy Level 6 Mar 24, 2020



Both he, and the occupant of the White House, may cause many people to die - with their misinformation and reluctance to sacrifice personal profit ! Gr-r-r-r !

evergreen Level 8 Mar 24, 2020

social distancing is working to curb the infected but the knucklehead young think they are immune and they very well might be resistant to it but they will carry it to more people. that's extremely irresponsible of the people in Florida. And just to let you know Trump ain't a God he's not in charge of what other people do if that's your problem not his that's why you have freedoms he was elected by the people. He has nothing to do with your corporations which have freedoms it's up to the individuals to make up their own minds and do the right thing.

Drew69 Level 7 Mar 24, 2020

I don’t live in Florida but joined this group when I was making frequent trips to help care for my sick mother. All that said: It sucks that you’re not being compensated by your employer during a damn pandemic. And screw DeSantis for putting business interests (his donor base) ahead of the health of Floridians. You and your mom stay well 💙

Bobbyzen Level 8 Mar 23, 2020



I live in Broward, used to live in Palm Beach, he took his sweet time to close the beaches in both counties but other beaches are still open. No proactiveness, like his master the orange turd!

Mofo1953 Level 9 Mar 23, 2020
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