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Ok free thinkers and critical thinkers...
The ten commandmennts...

Do you reject them all because they are tied to the bible and religion? Or do you think some are useful to atheists and or agnostics? Which ones do you reject? Accept?

Cutiebeauty 9 June 24
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I reject them all because of their ties. I think it best to avoid telling lies and I could write an essay on why; but a person who agrees with that simply for fear of a bronze age desert god is not on the same page.

Tanstaafl Level 3 July 17, 2020

Why stick at those 10. There are over 600 commandments in the bible

Moravian Level 8 June 28, 2020

Please list them here... 😉

@Cutiebeauty Why, Don't you have a bible to read ?

@Moravian of course not lol

@Cutiebeauty My favourite bed time reading. If I can't sleep I just open it up and read a few lines.
But seriously, many people only know of the ten commandments Moses brought down the mountain, but for instance you wouldn't wear clothing of mixed fibres would you.?


I live by one rule, and it is all I need, Treat others the way you want to be treated.


If you are actually moral and ethical the Ten Commandments are used to educate those too stupid and evil to know the difference!!!

Any way the Ten Commandments are missing the point of real morality and ethical life!!!


I try to live my life my way, try not to hurt people, definitely not kill people. Whatever feels good to me and other's around me, is all that matters.

So... If it feels good, do it?

@Cutiebeauty Yes, and if it doesn't, don't, simple, easy

@MichelleGar1 now wait a minute ... That's not the next lyric in the song... 😜

@Cutiebeauty LMAO!!!


Some make sense like don't murder people, love your parents, don't steal from others

bobwjr Level 10 June 24, 2020

Some of them are logical - if I don't want anyone to steal my stuff, slander me, murder me, then it makes logical sense that I should not do those things. But swearing - too bad, if I want to cuss, I will cuss. I will shout bad words when I need to release negative emotions .... #$%&**##!!!!!

SKH78 Level 8 June 24, 2020

Do unto others, as you would do unto them?


I don't reject them just because they tied to the bible/religion, I try to assess each one individually. Though shall not murder, for example, is universal and most decent/moral people would agree with it, as do I (with some exceptions). Similar would be not stealing and not committing adultery.
And then we get into some commandments that I ignore completely, like not taking the lord's name in vain (I mean, goddamnit, how else would I swear?) Or observing the sabbath, have no other gods, etc.
What I find interesting are the "do not covet thy neighbor's" commandments. Envy is a natural, human emotion which religion condemns (thought crime as Hitchens perfectly described it). You can't control that envious feeling sometimes, but that doesn't mean you would act on it. I can see money on the table and maybe think about taking it for a split second, but I wouldn't do it because I consider that action immoral.

HannaYou Level 6 June 24, 2020

That's a very good and honest answer... ☺


The ones I can remember I think can be useful to Atheists. However, the bible is out dated book of fairy tales.

freedom41 Level 9 June 24, 2020
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