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Best Hitchslap Ever

I'm not sure if this has been posted already but I came across it today and it's just too good not to share.
"If people are determined to be offended... there's nothing you can do about that."

HannaYou 6 Aug 16
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That's a great quote to use! Sadly, freedom of expression has been so heavily restricted because of a fear of the legal ramifications of questioning aspects of any given minority. This whole cancel culture, and the witch hunts following someone's on-line comment, doesn't change opinion, it just hardens it and drives it underground.

Magister Level 6 Sep 4, 2020

I find it similar to religious fundamentalism; if you dare say anything against the doctrine of a cult, it's members not only get offended, but they retaliate, boycott, send in the mob, they even use violence. Any idea should be up for scrutiny and criticism, but for that you need people with an open mind. That's what's missing.


Islam has vocal right wing just like fundamentalist Christians here. Right wing anything is intolerant

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 16, 2020

Intolerance is pretty widely spread. It unfortunately extends to many groups, religious or not.


Yes..of course it’s a great rebuttal and it refers of course to the furore whipped up around the Muslim world after the publication in Denmark of the cartoons of the prophet Muhammad in 2005. There is an increasing intolerance, even greater now than there was in 2005, and a tendency for people, of all religious persuasions, to not just go looking to find offence, but actually bending over backwards to find it (as CH so eloquently articulated in this clip).


I cannot access your says error occurred.

Thanks for letting me know. I'm sometimes technologically challenged 🙂 It should work now.

@HannaYou It does!

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