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I suppose this is how I’ll start my first post:

It’s amazing, how majority of the world still believe there is a god. How did such an ancient idea become so powerful, that it is so hard for us modern humans to break free from it? Is it because of fear? Is it because we can’t accept that we are truly alone on this planet? Without a purpose?

Some things I’d like to throw out there: Religious books were written by man in the words and ideas of man. Man created the concept of god. I mean, seriously? God has been given a full time job to dictate everything in our life ? To prevent bad things from happening? What part of all this doesn’t make you question its very existence. ( I said its and not his)

Psyche91 1 Jan 10
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Nobody knows how the earth and humans and the universe came to be. Nobody knows if there is a god or gods. Me, I call myself an agnostic atheist. I don't think there is a god. If there is, I will find out when my body quits. Why we are here, I don't know. I just figure I should be a decent person and that is that. Our bodies produce energy. Science tells us that energy does not go away. It can travel and take on different forms, but does not go away. But that is not proof that we keep on existing after our bodies quit functioning.

SKH78 Level 8 Jan 10, 2021

Our knowledge, and education, in growing. But for us's growing too slowly to indicate our successful transition to a balanced planet.

As knowledge grows religion declines and the wisdom of family planning grows....these are proven facts...but the sad part is that due to our still rapid (150 more births, than deaths, per minute) growth...religion will maintain its' hold....and we are heading for an extinction.

I wish it weren't so...but it explains a lot about why we're still so slow to come off religion.


Robecology Level 9 Jan 10, 2021

I was watching a podcast/interview with Richard Dawkins the other day and was shocked to learn that here in America that only 20% of our population believe in both no god and evolution. Much lower numbers than most of 1st world countries. My point to this is, we are lacking in the education somewhere.

@Mermaidfantasy And as a 45 year retired teacher...I think I know why we're so low on the global totem has to do with ed funding. We depend on local taxes....the rest of the world depends on national taxes. They simply pay their teachers better....rsepect them better - supply them better - and have higher standards than we do here.

It wasn't always this way....we fell in to this pattern with our lust for $$$. So while we're financially #1...academically we're #30.

@Robecology I agree 100 %. Teaching is one of the most important jobs there is and educating the young should of the top priorities of the nation, it pays off in the long run. Greed is killing the world.



bobwjr Level 10 Jan 10, 2021

I think you hit it. People are not willing to believe that there is no purpose. Belief in “something” brings people together.

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