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LINK WHITE PEOPLE SAY ALL WHITE PEOPLE DON'T HAVE SOULS and are all RAY-CYSSTs and inhumane... #tiktok - YouTube

It was interesting listening to white people generalize about white people in this. It's an interesting POV.

redbai 8 Apr 27
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8:37 to 9:41 Religion was all and excuse to rape and pillage the land and the people. The Kings wanted the money that could be extracted from the land. They were in it for the money. The priests who went there probably wanted to save souls. I think they were well intentioned but misguided.

Christians believe the are better than anyone else. I can buy that.

There's a reason why most of Trump supporters are Christians. Christians have been taught a certain moral code. The Republicans adhere to that moral code more than Democrats do, that's why Christians tend to vote Republican more often then Democrat. It has very little to do with Trump.

9:41 The Nose ring guy again. He's talking about why white people are racist towards darker skin people. My first wife was Chinese. My second wife was Chinese. My girlfriend is from the Philippines, so his arguments make zero sense to me.

10:50 Mr. Nose ring seems to believe he has a perfect understanding why white people are racist. His arguments don't make much sense to me. I have experienced racism from people of all races. There's not much I can do about it, so I live my life as best I can and don't invest the time and energy Mr. Nose ring does on the subject.

BD66 Level 8 Apr 27, 2022

"My first wife was Chinese. My second wife was Chinese. My girlfriend is from the Philippines, so his arguments make zero sense to me."

Another white racist trope. Because you associate with POC you can't see how you can be racist. You even managed to marry two darker skin women (in marriages that didn't apparently last, a sad testament on your ability to get along with them) and is gracing another Asian with the presence of a pompous ass. Your fetishes don't disprove racist tendencies. In fact they reinforce them in the personality affected by the fetish. Absolving yourself of having a trait others see in you is nothing but self serving BS. The idea that you've experienced racism from people of all races is just another white racist trope trying to pretend that everyone has the same life experience.

@redbai What is it in your life experience that has made you so hateful towards white people?

@BD66 Note how you attempt define my feelings instead of addressing what I said? A leading question implying that the issue is my emotions and not facile reasoning you use to avoid actually discussing the points made in the video.

@redbai You post one angry article after another, and I'm about the only person willing to engage in a discussion with you. Then you act angry and abusive towards me. Where does all the anger and hate come from? I'm just curious. I will address what you said:

Another white racist trope.

BLD> See. More name calling.

Because you associate with POC you can't see how you can be racist.

BLD> Everyone has their own built-in biases, but I have much fewer than most. I have clients who are Black, White, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mexican, and Indian. I get along well with all of them. It's as difficult for me to relate to people who grew up in all-white remote Appalachian towns as it is to relate to Ms. Goth or Mr. Nose Ring.

You even managed to marry two darker skin women (in marriages that didn't apparently last, a sad testament on your ability to get along with them)

BLD> My first marriage was fantastic. My late wife was the daughter of two Harvard PhDs and University professors. She worked hard and became a best-selling author. Unfortunately she had a genetic mutation that led to the onset of mental illness at the age of 36. She got progressively worse and committed suicide, leaving me as a single father. With today's technology, we could have detected the mental illness, and she could have been put on the right supplements and drugs to likely lead a productive life, but that technology was not in place in 2004.
BLD> My second wife took advantage of the fact that I was a single father with a Silicon Valley job and a special needs son. She conned me into marrying her in order to get her hands on as much money as possible.
BLD> My girlfriend is great. She is a nurse on a neurosurgery team.

and is gracing another Asian with the presence of a pompous ass. Your fetishes don't disprove racist tendencies.

BLD> It's difficult to say what leads to attraction. My father and his brother farmed together in a small town in Illinois. Each of them had two sons. Here's how the marriages worked out:

Me: Completed a PhD in Electrical Engineering. Married 2 Chinese women.
My brother: Completed a PhD in Statistics. Married a Vietnamese woman.
My cousin: Completed a M.S in Chemistry. Married a Chinese woman.
My other cousin: Completed a CPA and an MBA. Married a white woman.
If you ever visited a math, science, or engineering department of a top University, you would see that most of the women there are either East Asian or Indian, so it's not surprising that 3 of the 4 of us married Asian women.

In fact they reinforce them in the personality affected by the fetish. Absolving yourself of having a trait others see in you is nothing but self serving BS.

BLD> My impression of you is you are an extremely angry person with a lot of hatred towards white people. I have asked you why but you have not provided an answer.

The idea that you've experienced racism from people of all races is just another white racist trope trying to pretend that everyone has the same life experience.

BLD> I'm not saying everyone has the same life experience. I'm very curious about why you are constantly making angry posts about white racism.

@BD66 A whole diatribe of BS that doesn't address the video at all. Imagine that.

What am I supposed to do to expose racism, find nice posts where racist don't do disgusting things to POC? The fact that there are people who are afraid to address racism is not a reason for me not to call attention to it and express disgust at the apparent lack of effort to address it. I've said nothing "hateful" so that's some hyperbolic nonsense and another pathetic attempt to characterize me to deflect from the contents of the video.

Disgust is not the same as anger. The former infers a moral offense where the latter infers an emotional response. Stop trying to define my emotional state and address the issues themselves. You come off as pompous and condescending.

@redbai OK. If your goal is to expose racism, you need to find better material. The video that leads off with:

"White people don't have souls"
"White people have to steal other people's souls"

Then follows up with 3 minutes of incoherent nonsense from Mr. Nose Ring is not going to achieve your goals. I appear to be the only person who made it more than 1 minute into the video.

@BD66 I love how you think I give a shit about how you think I'm doing. As if you have any relevant insights given your propensity to spout of some of the most ignorant stuff I've ever read.

@redbai Again with the ignorance and the insults. You aren't going to bring someone around to your point of view by insulting them.

@BD66 I'm not trying to get you to come around to my POV because you like how I back my words and ideas. If you don't oppose racism because it's innately wrong then I couldn't care less about your opinion. The next guy who comes along that pampers to your ego will change your mind making your values worthless.

I, as a black person, am sick of treading lightly over the feelings of white people in regards to race. I and a lot of black people I know, have spent the large majority of our lives being concerned about how to convey to the majority of white people that racism does have a negative effect on our lives. In 99.9% of those conversations there were pathetic excuses as to why it wasn't racist utilizing some facile rational that mitigated and ignored our negative experience and allowed those white people to pretend it didn't really have any significant effect on our lives.

You haven't demonstrated a shred of "ignorance" in anything I've said, but you have the hubris to pretend that you have. It's just more of you falsely negatively characterizing me which demonstrates who's actually insulting who. But just FTR, I couldn't care less about you feeling insulted given that you spend most of your time trying to define me and my emotional state than make a coherent argument on subject.

You're insulted? Find someone who gives a damn and look in the mirror and try to understand how you are no better and I give what I get.

@redbai I've asked you before, but I'll rephrase it in your own words:

"I and a lot of black people I know, have spent the large majority of our lives being concerned about how to convey to the majority of white people that racism does have a negative effect on our lives."

How does racism have a negative effect on your life?

@BD66 The fact that you are that ignorant given the plethora of data out there demonstrating racism and its effects on whole populations is insulting. But I don't expect you to recognize it as you don't appear to have that kind of awareness. It's not my job to educate you, and I'm not your test subject to poke and prod.

To actually learn about racism's effects you'd actually have to give a damn and do research on the subject utilizing the studies already available, but what you're looking for is a way to deny my personal experiences so that you can deny racism in general. The predictable use of another one of those racist tropes.

@redbai OK, I've asked you twice how racism has negatively effected your life, and you won't provide an example. You say I'm trying to deny your personal experiences, but you won't tell me your personal experiences. I'll give you an example of how racism negatively effects Asian kids who want to go to Harvard. This article shows the mean SAT score of students who are admitted to Harvard:


You can see, something in the admissions process is extremely biased against Asian Americans, and something in the admissions process is extremely biased in favor of African Americans.

Now, I'll give you a specific example. I had a high school student who worked for me for a couple years. He had a perfect score on his SAT, all kinds of extracurricular activities, and he was the #1 student in a class of 600 kids. His mother was white, and his father was Chinese, so he had a Chinese last name.

This kid should have been a lock to get into any university he wanted to, but he only got into 1/2 the universities he applied to. Luckily for my kids, who are also half-white and half-Chinese, they have a white last name, so they will not face the same discrimination in the admissions process that my intern experienced. I'm definitely going to have them put "white" as their race in their college applications.

@BD66 Are you being disingenuous pretending that my personal experience is no different than how Asians as a whole are treated or are you being purposely obtuse in ignoring the difference between anecdotal evidence and a study?

I find it a bit ironic that you're making sure your kids indicate their whiteness as it demonstrates you know the advantage of doing so. Imagine that. An advantage based on nothing but the color of their skin.

@redbai Look at the paper I provided:


Harvard is actively discriminating by race in college admissions. Here is the degree of discrimination:

Discrimination in favor of:

  1. African Americans
  2. Native Americans
  3. Hispanic Americans

in that order.

Discrimination against:

  1. Asian Americans.

The statistical significance of the discrimination if overwhelming.

It's completely ridiculous that Harvard is allowed to do that.

I don't feel the least bit guilty having my kids select "white" rather than "Asian" to reduce the level of discrimination they face.

The parents of every single applicant should say their children "identify" as African American to put an and to the long-standing practices of University discrimination by race.

@BD66 Address the video or don't expect me to engage. You going off on some rant to disprove racism against non-Asian people of color is just another instance of you not being able to engage with the actual subject and a pathetic need to change the subject to something you're more comfortable with. As I have already said, I don't give a shit about your comfort while addressing your racist tirades.

@redbai The video is pathetic. If your intent was to engage someone in a discussion about racism in the USA, you have succeeded. I have no interest in discussing whether white people have souls or whether white people steal the souls of non-white people. I have no interest in discussing the incoherent ramblings of Mr. Nose Ring. If you want to talk about racism (and not the crazy theories of Mr. Nose Ring), I would be happy to have that discussion.

@BD66 IOW, we can have a discussion on racism based on what the white man finds acceptable and how he wants to do it. Why am I not surprised that's your POV?

@redbai You can discuss whatever you want. I'd like to hear what you have to say. Trying to follow the logic of Mr. Nose Ring gives me a headache.

@BD66 ....who let this idiot in the door?


3:53 to 4:42: The Goth woman appears to be just reading text that has been prepared for her.

4:42 to 6:40 Oh No! The nose ring idiot again!

6:40 to 8:20 White colonizers using Christianity as part of the colonizing process. She's 100% right, but people of all colors were using religion for centuries to subjugate the masses. The feudal system ended about 1500, and that's exactly when the colonial period started.

Prior to 1500, Europe operated on a feudal system, where they kept the serfs subjugated and fought over tiny areas of European land. The serfs prior to 1500 led lives very similar to the lives led by slaves and native Americans in the new world. The nobility could do pretty much whatever they wanted to do to the serfs that were tied to the land. Once Columbus, DeGama, Cabot, and others discovered all the new land in the new world and new populations of Africans and Native Americans to work the new land, it no longer made sense to focus on fighting over small plots of European land, it made more sense to grab huge amounts of land in the new world.

BD66 Level 8 Apr 27, 2022

So what if she's reading a prepared speech? Interesting how you don't bother to try and refute anything she says, just attempt to mitigate her comments with some facile BS about it being prepared.

Another expected ad hominem attack.

You're right, she's 100% right that white people used Christianity as part of a colonizing process. But then as most racists, you ignore the fact that she also said it facilitated white supremacy and racism. People of all colors weren't doing that. That was special to America which was her point. Only white people were making black people slaves exclusively and codifying it into laws making them legally inferior to whites which was her point.

Who gives a fuck about the feudal system of Europe? Why am I not surprised that you fall into your predictable model where you attempt to change the subject instead of addressing the points. Common racist tactic: Don't address the racism, you can't win. Try and change the subject instead and pretend it's the same thing.


Let's focus on one thing: The feudal system in Europe prior to 1500. The noblemen fought over land and they had complete control over the serfs, who were pretty much slaves tied to the land that they controlled. That was white noblemen controlling their white serfs, and pretty much treating them like slaves.

Once the New World opened up (after 1500) they followed almost exactly the same model. They gobbled up all the land they could, and found someone they forced to work the land. They tried Native Americans, Africans, Asians, and other Europeans. Using Africans for labor was the most successful model in most of the New World, but it was modeled on the feudal system where the noblemen used white serfs to work their European land.

@BD66 For the record "pretty much slaves" is not the same as "slaves" and "noblemen" in Europe were not running slave camps based on the color of someone's skin. So let's not focus on the feudal system in Europe because it's not relevant to the video. It's just some pathetic attempt to change the subject to something you're more comfortable talking about and I couldn't care less about your comfort.


The idiot who speaks from 1:00 to 3:52 is so completely 100% full of shit it's difficult to know where to start. Somewhere in his crazy rant. Start listening at 2:47

He believes all religious and divine experiences people have had are the result of our innate connection to the universe:

White cultures have severed the connection to have these religious and divine experiences, leaving the mind alienated and on its own.

This disconnect is self-inflicted generational trauma.

White people don't have the connection!

You don't have the connection either!

You are in the same boat us us white folks!

3:40 Evidently, you and I have lost our innate connection to the universe, so we cannot have religious and divine experiences, so it leads to hate!

BD66 Level 8 Apr 27, 2022

Why do I get the feeling you think you've made a point and not an ad hominem rant?


ad ho·mi·nem - directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.

This is the position the nose ring idiot is maintaining. Start listening at 2:47:

All religious, spiritual, and divine experiences humans have ever had are a result of our innate connection to the universe.

That's his position.

You and I do not have religious, spiritual, and divine experiences.

White cultures have severed the connection leaving the mind alienated and on its own.

That's all of us here at He's talking about us.

We are not connected to the universe.

Our connections have been severed.

Our minds are alienated and on their own.

Then his thoughts become too incoherent to follow.

So after hearing:

White people don't have souls" and "White people have to steal other people's souls" which sounds like something that would be said at a witch trial in the Middle ages.


Listening to the nose-ring idiot talk about how I'm disconnected from the universe, therefore I'm not religious, I have an alienated mind that's full of hate.

I reached my limit of how much bullshit I could take, so I stopped watching and made the comment:

"Brainwashed idiots."

But now I will venture bravely on.

@BD66 So when I asked that you get back to me after you've seen the video you simply ignored that, looked at a bit and then decided that you knew enough, just like you did in the beginning while implying that you actually watched the video.

Why am I not surprised you were dishonest?

@redbai I was not dishonest about anything. I told you I watched the first 5 minutes. After that, the incoherent rambling of Mr. Nose Ring was all I could take. Look at the original thread.

@BD66 You mean the one where I said that you comment form ignorance? Since the video is longer than 5 minutes and you still think you know enough about what's in the video to comment after only watching less than half I was correct about your penchant for commenting from ignorance.


OK, Let's jump in. Most people would not listen past the first 24 seconds, when the host said:

"White people don't have souls"
"White people have to steal other people's souls"

That's the most ignorant, racist, prejudiced thing I have heard in a long time.

So I'll ask you:

Do you believe people have souls?
Do you believe some people have souls and other people do not have souls?
Do you believe non-European people have souls and European people do not?

My children are 1/2 European, and 1/2 Chinese. Do you believe they have souls or just 1/2 a soul?
Bruce Lee was 1/4 European and 3/4 Chinese. Do you believe Bruce Lee has 1/4 of a soul?

Stephan Curry and Klay Thompson are about 3/4 European and 1/4 African. Do you believe those two NBA players have 1/4 of a soul while Joel Embid (born in Africa) has a complete soul?

BD66 Level 8 Apr 27, 2022

I don't believe in souls.


Brainwashed idiots.

BD66 Level 8 Apr 27, 2022

Is this another video you didn't bother to watch but felt you had enough information to have an opinion on again? I assume that based on the lack of any substance in your response. But I'm sure there's some facile reason you don't bother to articulate how they are brainwashed demonstrating you're not responding from ignorance again.

@redbai I watched the first 5 minutes.

That's all I needed to see.

@BD66 That's what I thought, your usual commenting from ignorance. Thanks for the validation.

@redbai Let's compare academic credentials some time.

Where did you do your PhD research?
Could you provide me with a list of your patents?

@BD66 Here's that predictable point where you try to change the subject because you've been exposed for saying stupid shit.

@redbai You're the one calling me ignorant. Let's see your credentials smart guy?

Have you ever placed in a national academic competition?
Have you ever obtained a degree from an elite university? two degrees? three degrees?
Have you ever lectured at an elite university? two universities?
Have you developed any products that changed the way our military conduct their missions?
Have you developed any products that I might have used?
Have you ever started any companies?

If so, let's have a discussion and compare our accomplishments.

@BD66 Still trying to change the subject from the fact that you commented from ignorance? 😂 🤣😂 🤣

You can't demonstrate that you didn't just reply from ignorance (a habit you seem to have) so you want to talk about something else to distract from that obviously stupid act in a public forum. Answering any of those questions wouldn't demonstrate that you didn't speak from ignorance so why would I want to indulge in your distraction?

@redbai Do you really think the video is worth discussing? If so I'll ask you a few questions about the video, but only if you want to engage in a discussion on the video.

@BD66 Get back to me when you actually watch the video. FTR, I couldn't care less one way or another.

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