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The world goes crazier by the nanosecond. I bought a container of "Premixed". Yep! Pre-mixed what? Premixed cement? Premixed hair tonic? No where on the container did it say, "engine anti-freeze". Hypothetically, a contained of 'Super Blue', is it blueberries, or blue paint? I tried to buy some clothes washing suds. It had the brand label on in big letters; in microscopic letters was the the words, "bleach or detergent".

Back in the "good o'l days", if a person wanted to set the car clock or odometer they would pull out the little button located in the device- fixed in a matter of 2 or 3 seconds. Now what a joke it is! Hope I don't have to jack up the car. Anything to cause max. stress!

Diogenes 8 Nov 21
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I share your frustration…I think we’re just beginning to pass our “sell by” date…maybe we’re already long past it!

Well if there is a "half off" sale for food, a person needs to be aware that there is only a short time left till the expiry date. Another consideration is to watch where the food comes from; all countries do not have the cleanest people or facilities.

@Diogenes I wasn’t taking about food…only using it as an analogy Keith! It’s us I’m talking about!

@Marionville Marje sorry. Ya, not getting the heart of a comment is a strong indication- I ain't with it.
Might as well add that to the list of items, 'I ain't with. 'But I am only 110 years old; I still like music- Pete Seeger, had something to say- ABBA, I loved. Just two examples. I am also well enough aware that the sound of some simpleton kicking a garbage can and banging on an out-of-tune electric toy at an earth shaking volume is just dissonance.

Yes I am out of date!! Thankfully! Please laugh.

Ya, 02:00 here; Another night when there is no sleep.

@Diogenes. This is the kind of music with meaningful lyrics that I listen to when I can’t sleep Keith…’s the most soothing and beautiful voice I know. It’s Morten Harket, the best vocalist in the best band in the world…a-ha ….the views are of their homeland, Norway…..

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