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Common Dreams is a site that I often view for realistic coverage of the news. There has been reports from around the world about the genocide being committed by Israel in Gaza, and the reaction to these mass murders, but even in Tel Aviv there has been a group, about 95 percent women, who have protested. "Stop bombing Rafah" is what is on some of the signs. The protests have come from diverse places, such as the often maligned (sic)Texas, to people in Wales who didn't let rain stop them.

Mr. Biden is supplying Benny with his murderous tools- this is going to have a serious negative affect on the Democrats standings. For the sake of the WORLD- Trump can not win- but virtual Hell could be just around the corner.

Diogenes 8 Feb 14
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We seem to be hearing a lot more about the Palestinian casualties than the Israeli ones. But Hamas apparently have been prepared to talk to Israel ahead of the threat of Rafah being bombed.
We only heard a few reports of the potential talks before things turned back to the bombing of Rafah. So it seems the talks either didn’t go ahead or were unsuccessful 😞

Well maybe if Israeli could offer 30 thousand dead "hostages" and huge portions of their land demolished, like the Palistinians have had, and they were mostly women and children, maybe there could be 'start' to "negotiations".

I do NOT support the murders of Hamas. They didn't attack armed soldiers. They attacked women and children, like cowards.

Let's hypothicate for a second. You are in a village of 1,000. You go about minding your own business. There is someone , unknown to you, that murders five or six people- then most of the village is bombed into rubble, and the people in it are killed, including you, as retribution----- would that be just?

@Diogenes No of course not, but this is not a logical thing. War’s don’t seem to have justice included. The Gaza strip have been in siege conditions for a long time I think, but the current gunfire seems to be out of proportion to Hamas’ murders. I just hope it all stops soon and Gaza can begin to rebuild.

@girlwithsmiles "Wars?" These murders are genocide; the women and children are not armed.

YES, the $ billions to "rebuild"------and it should be at Israel's expence!!! And Israelies can not stop stealing, 'just a little more land' and Benny, and his murdering psychophants are planing to take over Gaza


I will have to check that out. Thanks for the tip.

PaddyO Level 7 Feb 14, 2024

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