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What comes mind from this is hearing a preacher say he needs buy a jet and needs your help.

Partyhawk 7 July 10
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I'm not surprised by preachers who say they need to buy a jet and need help from their congregation. But I am amazed by how many gullible people comply with the request.

Heraclitus Level 8 July 10, 2018

Does he want his followers to buy it and does he get a tax free deduction?

Both actually

@RoadGlider Well I don't have to tell you what I think he can do. It is a shame that the TV evangelists bilk as much money from the poor and uneducated as they do. I have no respect for them. I tell any evangelist that 45 is the Antichrist just to make them think a little. They convince the audience that if they give it will be returned times 10. Then they quote some stupid Bible verse. And those poor helpless people suck their SCAM right up.

exactly! !


guess I swill be quitting group. I do not see atheists as free thinkers just like I wouldn't Christians. They are hard wired to a belief. I like Buddha, Native American, Middle Eastern

How so... ? Do you mean bt being hardwired like a Christian? Most interesting

@EvaV My parents raised Me Southern Baptist Evangelist. I hated it from young. I was happy when I got married because I got away from it. Then there was harassment of some form until around I turned 24. I left with gusto. All they would ask then was did I go to church? I said I sure do. Everyday I walk out side and see mother nature's perfection, and I am in church. That pretty much put an end to my involvement with their harassing. My mother would tear you apart. She has no mercy for non believers and thinks the church should run the government. She wants religion back in the schools, she wants under God put back in our pledge, and she is racist though she would say she is not. Now that my friend is hardwired. My dad died with this belief. They went to the same church like 50 years. My Dad has been dead for 2 years now. She thought she wuld die before him, but she and I had a huge argument before Christmas. I am saddened because I hate not speaking to her because she is 88 and almost died when Dad did, so she does not want to be here. She will be judgmental and tell you who is going to hell and who isn't. I grew up being told Catholics were going to hell. You must not have any idea just how into their beliefs the evangelists are. That is what I mean. Please all; is just FYI. Do not send me posts or comments that upset me. I am here for many of the groups I like. I am not here to hate for any reason. I quit groups that are negative and to me unproductive.

@BettyColeman no hate here Betty. Just expressing what is happening in the real world. I honestly refuse to hate anyone. Some will open there eyes and others won't. Some people are angry for being lied to for all their childhood. We all have to adapt. Dont get upset. Just keep explaining why you feel the way you do. We are all teachers and students with this true insight. You Express deeply what you are feeling, bravo to you. Be patient with others. This is a big can of worms we are dealing with.

@RoadGlider I am hanging in there and I do not hate. I dislike the ways of our toddler in chief, not necessarily him, but what he is. I really try never to hold hate. I worry about my mother. It is not easy to fix. I sent her a Xmas ard that just said love Betty. My brother said she wasn't feeling well. I will send her some get well cards. I truly have no desire to argue plus I don't think she could take it. So I will let her know I love her, but I think not talking is best for both of us for awhile. I cannot risk an argument, because of her health. She only had a 5th grade education but she and my father had jobs during the GM unions and made and invested and spent their money well. They have a beautiful $250,000.00 home and they built it themselves. They wanted a better life. In the 50s the big thing was to retire with enough money to winter in Florida. They retired and had a golden years dream. I respect their work, but as the oldest of 4 siblings, I raised those kids, cleaned house,and washed clothes. I fixed dinner every night after school. Washed dishes you name it. So I helped them get that dream and I am ok with that. You are fine.

I don't know what the definition of free thinkeris exactly, I see atheists as free thinkers. it's another belief to believe there's no God. Ppl say often that they trust themselves. it seems God is themselves to them.

@SunLee To me a free thinker is as open as the universe, able to allow others to think as they wish and NOT bullied or harassed anywhere they go. They should not be ask what they believe or harassed and told WHAT they believe. I have been on her for a while now. I quit religion and spirituality. MEMES have some real jerks in there. LU7 did. Philosophy and Spirituality is a joke. I did belong to some, but when it got to all the fighting, that is not what I am about. I am not here to carry on hate comments or posts with anyone. That is a hate, fight, and bully room. I quit it. I don't miss them and I am sure they don't miss me. They can BELIEVE WHAT THEY WANT. iT IS THERE PERSONAL RIGHT TO CHOOSE.. Just as mine is mine. I am not defending my choices to anyone. I do not have to. I have had a difficult life, but there are those who have had worse. I try to always remember that. There are some spiritual type religions that believe God the holy spirit is within you. You don't know and I don't know. I believe whatever floats their boat. Not my business. To me a free thinker has no ties to any GOD or NO GOD, so that is why they are called FREE thinker. If this is not a room more like the Dharma Cafe, I quit. Make you decision. Explain exactly the characteristics this room requires to fit in, because you are making it plain to me right now I don't. Have you watch someone do the cross with their hands? The top is God the father The left / right is a God the son, and the bottom is God the holy ghost. Look in the Bible. you will find reference that God the holy ghost is within them all the time. This is my last religious oriented post. I am hear because some rooms I am an activist for and most of the respectful community I like. When you start telling ME who GOD is or isn't, you have overstepped boundaries. You are in my space. I don't know those answers and I am not here to fight. I am here to for the reasons i said and to learn, not piss ppl off or tell them what they think. Please leave me alone..

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