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Hi. New here.

Sometimes, my mind gets stuck in the tarpit of examining self-concept, and what to do in a self-concept obsessed host culture, where one is accused of being arrogant by people who are extremely arrogant when really, one has never truly believed he is better than anyone....

True kings, like queens typically go through accessions and make their way up, on their own work. They teach themselves, train themselves, they grow, out-compete other males or females and they do all the work required. They stand at the top because cell for cell, they outrank all others and they have the record to show it. Their height of standing is just a re-expression of the holistic caliber of their actual self. I have seen true kings and queens, and it’s actually a flooring experience. Juice-squirters and all manner of pretentious folk will never, ever be chieftains of anything except their own slipshod and childish paradigm of the reality around them....You think Dunning-Kreuger syndrome is a horrible thing to have? Wait 'till you have observed someone with an inflated self-concept! It's a much, much worse condition.


I don't give two shits about your fucking politics. There are groups for political discussion in this fucking website. If you're going to reply, PLEASE, PLEASE at least stay on topic.

DZhukovin 7 Sep 17
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Enjoy being online again!

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Good thought.

Everybody has an opinion and always think they're right even when is proven not. People just say fuck the logic, and their response is pure emotional (excuses, justifications of their actions, blaming others). That's the way we are.

A true leader sees shit out the box and understands it or at least try (really try). And learns to deal with that kind of people and getting to like him.

CrazyLuis Level 1 Sep 26, 2019

My mind drifted to King tRump. No learning. Just a πŸ˜‘πŸ˜€πŸ‘ŠπŸ€•πŸ˜‚


Yeah sorry, this shit doesn't fly with me. If you're going to be funny, be funny. When you bring up the same shit people talk about 24/7, you only make a moronic display.


I am forced to see and hear someone with an inflated self-concept everyday, Trump! The only thing he has learned or mastered is how to con people and he has never truly worked a day in his life. anyone cares about Trump at the moment.


Do you see a man skilled in his work?
He will stand before kings;
He will not stand before obscure men."
Proverbs 22:29

We used to trust that our leaders had that extra something. .It's difficult to believe that anymore. Will the cream rise to the top, as Proverbs says, or is the time of the bullshitter?

brentan Level 8 Sep 17, 2019

The Bible is a book with multiple official ways of interpreting it, and it's written so even small children can read it. I could give two shits about what the Bible says about an empty set, let alone skilled work.

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