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I just now joined. Looking for the love of my life. Being a free thinker I meditate a lot to declutter my mind, allowing for sane thoughts to emerge (and they do.) It's difficult looking for the love of my life when I have this serious personality. My only "saving grace" (no, I don't believe in Saving Grace) is that I'm a musician. (I do have rare experiences where I believe in the possibility of some kinda personal divine intervention, quite possibly my "better angels" getting the better of me.) I live in St. Louis, officially retire in March, and will travel withing the contiguous 48 for that love of my life. And since we're all free thinkers here, I'd appreciate your thoughts regarding the notion that all the good ones are taken. That being said, I have loosened up my requirements, . E.g., I no longer regard overweight women as undesirable (obesity being a deal-breaker.) I'm 61 - is it too late for me?

crummyverses 3 Nov 4
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Again, as I have stated in responses below, it is simply not a lowering of my standards, or "settling" when it comes to desireability re overweight women. As an open-minded free thinker, and for whatever other reasons, I've learned to both appreciate and have lust for overweight women. (The exception is an obese woman which maybe only an obese man can appreciate & lust for.) In joining this Free Thinkers group it's my hope that you can both understand and appreciate the value of changing for the better. Should not our critical thinking skills advance us in the social realm as well as in others, e.g., our elected political leaders' decisions? To those who judge me, please consider my words here. May real love prevail.

Some of us follow Jane Russell's example and refer to ourselves as "full figured girls." Still an hourglass figure, but we can tell time on a somewhat greater scale. 😉


It is never to late for most things in life, however how is it that you think that being a musician is "saving grace", after all the love of your life may not like your kind of music and you will have to compromise. I also find it amazing that you loosened up requirements may be a bit late for it boy.

Jolanta Level 9 Nov 7, 2019

It is with that attitude!

I'm at a loss here. I can't reply as a free thinker if I don't know what is meant by my attitude. Me thinks body language or its absence (as is the case here) can definitely help any misunderstanding, as can open dialogue. "What's so difficult about peace, love and understanding?"


Well good luck. I'm 38 and a musician and have mostly experienced sorrow in my love life. So I won't lie to you about your chances but you have my sympathy

GIjeff04 Level 4 Nov 4, 2019

Hey bro', you're still young. Never give up! Ever!

@crummyverses young? I'm half way dead!
According to average life expectancy...


Oh my, I'm so glad you've lowered you standards and are now open to dating overweight women... !

No, your assumption is incorrect (as well as accusatory.) The truth is that I happen to find overweight more attractive now than in my younger years. Sorry if I offended anyone. I realize the outdated notion of a Barbie Doll figure. I'm also a free thinker (which is why I joined this group) and am open to any woman who knows how to take care of themselves, physically as well as mentally. Thanks for alerting me to potential misinterpretation of my standards.

@crummyverses be a true freethinker. And consider that most everyone here has basically agreed with me...


I don't think it's ever definitely too late. I hope not anyway because I'm 65 and would love to meet someone compatible. Anyway, best of luck and welcome to the forum!

brentan Level 8 Nov 4, 2019
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