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Are freethinkers on religions also freethinkers on politics?
I ask because in almost five decades of political activism I’ve seen evidence that both parties, Dem and Repub, have long been about equally corruptible by major donors and both need reforms. GRANTED, the Repub party is has for four decades been uniquely corrupted by religion so freethinkers’ options are limited.
Do this Group’s members prefer a separate Political Freethinkers group?

yvilletom 8 Jan 7
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I believe that money, especially after Citizens United bullshit, has corrupted our system almost beyond repair. Both parties are full of people who's REAL ambition is to become wealthy. Few seem willing to serve this country. I say almost beyond repair because I guess I'm an optimistic person by nature. However their desire for wealth, influence, and very well paying post-congressional jobs overrides everything else. I don't think a separate group is necessary.

Grayghost Level 6 Jan 13, 2020

I agree. Thank you.


New comer to this group but long time activist. I marched in Washington for body autonomy and choice with a baby on my hip in '78 and answer the "boots on the ground" call whenever I can. The religion forced on my was Southern Baptist, the one I chose and left was the Roman Catholic church. I am a former RCIA instructor, a eucharistic minister and tertiary Benedictine when I realized I not only didn't believe in heaven (lots of death in my life) but I didn't believe in God either.

To the question at hand, in my experience, it would probably be wiser to have a split off group for politics because the subject can become very weighty and post heave. JMHO.

Kymmacg Level 7 Jan 12, 2020

Welcome, Kymmacg. My mother ( 1906-68 ) was Repub probably because the GOP supported the ERA (and the Dems opposed it) until the mid-1970s. My father was Dem and they joked about always voting so neither party would have a one-vote advantage. Glimmers of today’s partisanship started ~1960 but grew in the 1980s, after Pres. Reagan invited the xians to join.
Differing takes on “free” does suggest separating the two.


No, I am happy with this group. We can 'talk' about anything we want to, even politics.

Jolanta Level 9 Jan 10, 2020

I try to be a freethinker in all areas of life.

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