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If we think freely should we also speak freely?

Geoffrey51 8 Jan 28
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Yes. But in reality, even in a secular estate like the UK, this is difficult without being branded a racist. In a professional setting, it's suicide. Even if the boss agrees, the boss will be under pressure to confirm to what is politically correct. Same with relatives, any speaking up against theistic beliefs, even if they cause problems, will be met with the 'insensitive' tag.

Vpatel Level 5 Jan 30, 2020

Start the group, “Free Speakers”. It will survive or not.

yvilletom Level 8 Jan 28, 2020

Yes, but unfortunately nowadays the majority go around looking for an excuse to have their nose bent over nothing. Makes it kind of difficult for truth to find its way to the surface when everyone is running around worrying about offending someone. Anything less than the blunt honest truth is simply a lie.

wolf041 Level 7 Jan 28, 2020

Yes, and speak without worrying about how others would react. That is the highest property of speaking freely.

St-Sinner Level 9 Jan 28, 2020

Speaking freely about what you think is how people get to know one another and learn new ideas. Think about all the great minds of the world, where would we be if the never spoke their thought, we would of learned nothing from them.


Thinking freely doesn't seem to affect others until an action is created through thinking. Speaking freely seem to affect others whether an action is made or not. I don't believe people can mentally handle everyone speaking freely as there is no discipline or filter for most people.

MrChange Level 7 Jan 28, 2020

Yes with respect

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 28, 2020

It's a good question; basically you're asking what social limits should there be on free speech.

I concur with most social moré speech should not include profane speech, nor hate speech.

...and the old saying "you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar" is very applicable, here. Using wisdom to speak, along with some degree of "restraint' allows more people to listen...and encourages more to agree with you. Here's two memes that pretty much sum up my POV.

Robecology Level 9 Jan 28, 2020

Speaking freely is fine but many don't have the ability to do so respectfully..


I think so...but with discretion. Offence is often taken so easily it’s wise to chose our words carefully, but without compromising honesty whilst doing so.

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