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I finally dug out my giant overgrown Alaska Rhubarb plant and divided the rootball. It was bolting every year and producing giant seed pod flowers. I think I got 8 smaller divisions and will plant a few around my yard. Can you have too much Rhubarb for cobblers and jams?

FrostyJim 8 May 22
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No, never enough rhubarb! I was so excited when a few years back I learned that you can just slice it up and freeze it raw, always have some ready in the freezer.


Don't know but they don't look very giant. I have two in the side yard and they are much bigger. One in the front, which is partially shaded, got even bigger and I couldn't figure out why. One day looking out the window I did figure it out. It is right under the winter suet feeder for the birds. Gets lots of natural fertilizer.

JackPedigo Level 9 May 22, 2020

It is still early Spring here and my rhubarb just sprouted a week ago. Here is a shot at harvest time.

@FrostyJim Very nice. Similar to mine partly red but mostly green. Mine are ready now and will continue growing for at least another month.


That's a fact. Just ask your neighbors.

MarkWD Level 7 May 22, 2020

Yup, ya do not want to run out of sugar making jams.. that's all i was saying, giving how tart rhubarb is.


Looks virile Jim. I can never keep them alive! I doubt yours would like our dry and hot conditions though my organic farming mate seems to do quite well with his variety.

Do you have apple rhubarb. I remember my uncle sitting on his sofa after his stroke in the late fifties watching it grow each day. The stalk grew 2-3" per day. The stalk up to 3"x1½"/2” deep. They grew to at least 5' tall and were green in colour hence the name.

I've never seen apple rhubarb out here.

FrayedBear Level 9 May 22, 2020

Only if you have not enough sugar lol.... lol


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