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My fish pond is some of the only water around right now. The male toads have staked out their own lily pads.
I use the water to water my plants, then fill the pond every couple of days, it amounts to about a 10%water change each week.

glennlab 10 July 29
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Your Water lilies are so pretty. 😍 I’m sure the birds and other critters are grateful for your pond with water in it during this very dry hot spell.

thank you, first one is a day bloomer, second and third are night bloomers, it is hard to get good shots of the night bloomers.

@glennlab The color’s are breathtakingly beautiful Glenn! Such rich color! Do you feed them any kind of plant food? I know nothing about water lilies. 😳

@Redheadedgammy Fish poop. water lilies are natures filters, I have way too many fish since I put up the bird spikes, so the raccoons don't tear up the plants and eat the fish. I have several in the 8-12 inch range right now, a few months ago I was replacing 100 a month.

@glennlab So they get their great color from the fish poop! I never would have thought that. 😉 Nature sure is amazing!! I’m glad the spikes helped the poor fish from being eaten up, that’s a lot of fish to be constantly replacing!


How do you stop it freezing in winter?

FrayedBear Level 9 July 29, 2022

It rarely stays below freezing long enough for that to be a problem. When we do get the odd freeze, I just pull the hose off the pump and direct it toward the surface, it creates an ice void so the fish get air.

@glennlab I'm glad that you mention fish. I'm currently looking after 2 cats and a house on 10 acres that includes a tiny pond (smaller & shallower than a bathtub). The owner claimed that he can't keep fish therein because of winter freezing...sounds to me like a length of hose or steel pipe to break through the ice would do the job. Thanks for that advice. Equally with solar electric panels I don't see why a water heater to maintain unfrozen water cannot be installed. Our fresh water fish survive water temperatures upto about 35°C in summer.
I must talk to him when he gets out of hospital.

@FrayedBear The depth is probably the most important thing for ice formation, then you have to keep the water circulating. A pond pump will keep the water aireated and keep the water moving.

@glennlab thanks FYI


Great!! I have a fish pond too, no fish right now, every couple of years a great blue heron cleans me out. Good chance to empty and clean it then buy a bunch of feeder goldfish who'll grow to 8 inches or so(circle of life and all). I border the woods, no fence, so I get lots of visitors.

Buttercup Level 8 July 29, 2022

I've had an osprey, a heron, raccoons, and cats get mine, I have pinks and feeders, The water lilies provide some cover This fall I'm going to have to trim my root balls as they are getting big.


What a great system! I hope all the denizens fare well - including you!


Good shots! I'm hoping we'll get rain tonight (FINALLY!!!) so that may help you out a little.

Lauren Level 8 July 29, 2022

me too, the female toads don't move much unless we've had rain, the males just find water and camp out.

@glennlab That almost sounds like it could be a social statement. 😀

I fear my 12 drops of rainwater have now come and gone, so wishing your females better luck.

We finally got some good rain here the past two days. I can almost hear the trees sighing with relief. 😍


You get interesting visitors 🙂

I have my yard declared an animal/plant sanctuary, The drought has made it a magnet. I don't water except for my garden plants and fruit trees

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