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I managed to get the greenhouse glazed. With the help of a couple of friends from the village, we got all the glass in in one day. It has already got a couple of plants in it, a tree fern that is now in out of the winter cold, and some salad burnet, for winter greens.

Fernapple 9 Nov 12
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How lucky you are to have a green house. i am almost envious, almost.

Jolanta Level 9 Dec 24, 2023

Congrats, that's a beauty!


I am reminded of the back breaking Fylde horticultural post war, perhaps pre war industry that ran on a 3 crop year long production of steam heated greenhouses growing chrysanthemum for xmas, tomatoes for spring \early summer & lettuce for summer & autumn. A big farm was half an acre.
Here in Australia half an acre is merely the septic tanks & soak aways or the scrap vehicle yard. Greenhouses are more likely to be 100m x 20m and plastic is used rather than glass though more often than not there is no need for the shelter & heat of greenhouses bird & bat netting is used instead.
A local organic horticulturalist growing asparagus, broccoli & broccolini, tomatoes and heritage potatoes tripled his crops by simply buying & using construction site fencing around his 100m long beds. It not only kept the kangaroos off the seedlings but has become an advantageous watching & launching post for the magpies, crows, @kestrels, kookaburras & owls catching rodents & rabbits. Smaller birds probably also use them whilst waiting for insects & moths.

FrayedBear Level 9 Nov 13, 2023

Yes I had a large range of poly houses in the past, but this is my retirement present to myself.


You thought of Hydroponics which will allow you to keep the plants watered and fertilised and enable you to cram more plants into a small area?
It would also suggest vertical gardening so that every milimetre of space is utilised to it's fullest potential.
In such a fine structure you may be able to do all forms of gardening

Yes it will certainly be multi purpose, in part to give me a a bit of gardening to do on the cold wet days, somewhere in the garden to sit out of the wind with a coffee, and a place to overwinter tender plants in pots, plus grow early/late salad crops, and some flowers in summer. I am doing the north wall with shelving to increase the growing space, you can see the black supports I made. It will probably be self watering, especially the shelving which will be hydroponic, and I will put irrigation pipes in to transfer the rain water of the roof to the ground inside, along with sprinklers and a little hand watering.


Will the congregation enjoy automatic aspergillum?

Polemicist Level 7 Nov 12, 2023

WONDERFUL structure!

KateOahu Level 8 Nov 12, 2023

That is wonderful!! You have some good friends!

It is a very good community.

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