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I've just joined. I'm building an atrium on the west side of our house, and am doing experiments with fabric grow bags. I put some yellow squash seed in soil and have been caring for it. I have dozens of blooms and at least a dozen small squash, but they aren't getting big. They are a couple of inches long, and more blooms. I'm thinking the root system in the 3 gallon bag is too small. Anyone have experience with these bags? Anyone have any ideas?

EdEarl 8 July 29
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OK I posted pics of the atrium in my account.

EdEarl Level 8 July 31, 2018

Would like to see some photos of your atrium , when it's done , please .

Cast1es Level 9 July 29, 2018

Will do. I'll even take some soon, before it's finished. Waiting for a new cell phone.

@EdEarl Could use your laptop to photograph it . I think those are clearer than the phone photos .

pics of the atrium in my account.


Could be right. I tried squash in a container with out even the success you have had. I got flowers but never fruit. However these were seeds saved from something last fall so there may have been something wrong with the seeds as well...

Donna_I Level 8 July 29, 2018

I should pick some of them and leave the biggest, to see if it will grow big. I can eat them like popcorn, lol.

@EdEarl it couldn't hurt as an experiment. You could also add some ferilizer to your watering routine and see if that helps.

@Donna_I Already added fertilizer. The leaves got greener, more flowers probably, and maybe the fruit grew a tiny bit.

@EdEarl good luck!

@Donna_I I doubled the fertilizer I've been using, and removed some of the blooms. My squash have gotten larger, but they are still small. Think I'll increase the fertilizer from 2x to 3x.

@EdEarl sounds like its working!

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