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My girlfriend and I are planting a food forest. And plan on possibly plant a small garden this year. I have grapes, blueberries, Papaya, mangos, citrus, bananas,pineapple Marango and many other tropical and exotic fruit and edible plants. We live in central Florida. Where are you guys from and what are some of the things you grow?

Donto101 7 Mar 23
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Hey man, we must have similar climates, I am on the east coast of Oz. Passionfruit, pineapples, grapes, sweet potato, chillies, ginger, pumpkin, elder flower, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, turmeric, galangal, oranges, lemons, limes, mandarins, so much coffee, pawpaw, herbs, natal plums, fejoa, water chestnuts, malabar greens, warregal greens, tree spinach, cassava, finger limes, eggplants, , mulberries, chicory, comfrey, davidson plums, probably more. And yes, it is a total jungle, things always competing with each other, always finding things we didn't know were there. Every level, tubers, ground cover, shrubs, treed, vines.

Rugglesby Level 8 Mar 23, 2018

That’s amazing I’m in zone 9b. It looks like you have most of what I’m planning on planting. I just getting started with mine though.

@Donto101 I bought here 5 years at end of may, coffee and pineapples I brought with me from previous places, 6 months preparing soil, we are on sand, it took 4 years to remove ll the palm trees, they have all been mulched, so we just planted continually through that time. Tiny block.

@Rugglesby nice we are planting slowly but surely it’s all sand here too and we have part of the property that flooded and lots of pine trees I’m working on the drainage issues and slowly cutting down the pine trees


I'm in Virginia. I have apple & pear trees & I raise chickens. I'm working to build raised gardens to have more uniformed growing areas. I plan on growing the standard "garden fare". I forage for poke sallet, cresses, & dandelion greens. Looking to take classes to forage & identify mushrooms.

That’s cool we have chickens and ducks. We like the duck eggs even more that the chicken eggs

@Donto101 i had ducks. Love the eggs, hate what they do to the grass. & they make a flocking mess (I had 24)

@SallyInStitches we only have 10


Mangos... I'm going to go weep now. Maybe when global warming gets worse, I'll be able to plant some. I'd not heard of marango trees, so thanks for the education!

I live in Southern Vermont. As soon as I get my own place, depending on how acid or alkaline my soil is, I hope to plant pawpaws, blueberries, strawberries, Jerusalem artichoke, rhubarb, hazelnuts, possibly asparagus, and ostrich ferns (for the fiddleheads) if they aren't already endemic. Any wild berries will be encouraged, as well as other native edibles. I really hope to have at least a few mature sugar maples.

I've grown Brandywine tomatoes, Thai basil, sweet peppers, Arp rosemary, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, thyme, parsley, sage, catnip, peppermint (in a pot so it wouldn't spread), lemon balm, cherry tomatoes from hanging baskets, mesclun, sunflowers, morning glories (Heavenly Blues), lemon thyme, pineapple sage, zinnias, and oodles of houseplants. I have an aloe that my mom gave my grandmother when mom was in the 1st or 2nd grade. So, that plant is about 75 years old now. Anyone want any aloe babies?

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