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Does anyone keep a worm box?

HippieChick58 9 May 6
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I'm preparing one. My daughter would like to begin a worm farm.


Yes, numerous, with red and tiger worms, have trouble getting enough food for the voracious little monsters.

Rugglesby Level 8 May 6, 2018

Do you mean for worm composting, a.k.a. vermicomposting? If so, I did it successfully for several years but gave it up a couple of years ago. It is effective and efficient, but like other types of composting it is labor-intensive at times.

I used a 3' x 2' x 2' high box made from leftover non-treated lumber. If you are interested, I can give you links to websites and share a few tips I learned from experience.

Three things to keep in mind:

  1. you cannot use common earthworms, nightcrawlers, or any other type of worms except for a couple of varieties of red wigglers.

  2. once you get started, it is necessary to adhere to a fairly simple formula. The amount of cubic feet of bedding and the number of worms it will support determines the amount of organic waste it will support.

  3. in addition to the correct amount of organic waste, the bedding must be kept moist but not soggy. You can leave a well-maintained vermicomposting box alone for three weeks or so, but after that it gets ugly. A friend of mine made that mistake.

MikeEC Level 7 May 6, 2018

I use a couple of plastic tubs, got the red wigglers, and it has done well for several years. I am not the best with high maintenance stuff, the worms have done well though periods of neglect and periods of over abundance. I enjoy it, my winter's worth of tea bags is now out in my garden enriching the future tomato plants.

@HippieChick58 that is pretty much the experience I had also. I use the type of coffeepot that has a "Mr. Coffee" filter and use the unbleached type. During the winter, I just save them in a container and then once a week toss the grounds and filters into the flowerbeds. I just finished gathering up the uncomposted filters and use those to line the bottom of plant pots.

A bonus for doing that is coffee grounds are poisonous to garden slugs (we have a type that grows several inches long and leaves slime tracks on the sidewalk). Since I have been adding coffee grounds to plant beds, I have not seen any evidence of those nasty slugs,

@HippieChick58 Great idea about the coffee filters lining pots. I use rocks

I'm always interested in more info.


I've have had worms in my composter for ten or more years . They handle all the scraps we have plus weeds and garden waste . My son feeds them to the chickens .

Besalbub Level 8 May 6, 2018

I have a couple old freezers in use for that

btroje Level 9 May 6, 2018

No but there are tons of worms in my compost pile

Donto101 Level 7 May 6, 2018
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