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Left handed shears

I just returned indoors to rest my cramped hand from trimming the rose bushes, especially the ramblers. t occured to me that I should have left handed tools. A quick look at Amazon showed me why I don't have them 😛runers for left handers are much too expensive. I can continue the work with my japanese pruning saw. It works with both hands equally well, but I am now annoyed.

Spinliesel 9 May 7
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I have a right handed friend who lost her right arm at the shoulder. The morning she woke up armless she wrote her signature with her left hand exactly as it had been right handed.

Wow! Strong will power and good brain.

@Spinliesel I have my own thoughts on what happened during surgery.

@FrayedBear Ooooh, that's one thought that may be better kept in your head. Surgeons here in the US usually are fast friends with rabid lawyers.

@Spinliesel it happened 30 years ago. And actually I was actually praising the surgical team in achieving change over.


Lefty here, I had known your pain.

Thank you. this morning my right hand is numb and hurts at the same time.( people with neuropathy understand that sentence)


I used to be able to identify left handed students on the Potter's wheel. Not anymore. Computers and texting have taught them how to think with both hands. I think.

When my left arm was broken two years ago, i did pretty well with some things, but stuff like brushing teeth, combing hair and what I call the home arts did not go well. Also, my braindoes not well with directions like "turn right" because i will inevitably turn left. My passengers all know to point, not speak, to get me to go in the right direction. Maybe brain damage?


What could be the possible reason for making left handed cutters almost twice as expensive as right handed ones? Yes, i know, what the market will bear. Capitalist bastards. There is no more technology or assembly costs in making right handed versis left handed tools.
I'll have to start scouring the lawn sales. Sometimes I find things there. Happy gardening.

They would have to run the machines differently, maybe different dies, to make the product. There is a lower demand, so they don't make as many, so they have to charge more per until to pay for the switch.

The difference in cost , has to do with the concept of mass production . I've read that only about 6% of the population are left handed , so many fewer left handed tools will be purchased , bearing in mind that , due to lack of availability , many left handed folks learn to do things in a right handed manner , so there is an even smaller demand for left handed tools of any kind .


I use my right-handed pruners in either/both hands. You have to change the pressure on the grips but works just fine. I switch hands often.


I know. I only realised why it was uncomfortable quite recently. But now in schools if there are no left-handed scissors, the kids revolt! There was never such a thing when I was at school.


Nature is cruel, why didn't she make us ambidextrous.

EdEarl Level 8 May 7, 2018
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