3 10

on left depicts two ollas. The empty on is on the left. The other was filled with water to the rim, but level is down an inch due to the porosity of the vessel. Note darker surface nd lower water level. This is a couple of hours after filling. on the right depicts how a plastic bottle simply leaks or dumps it's contents. Ollas hold the water at the root zone. The bottle aplies way too much water, way too fast before the plants can use it and it's lost to deep percolation.

farmboy2017 7 May 12
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While I do think your ollas are a more professional and attractive solution , you can easily control the flow from the plastic bottles by reducing the size and quantity of holes , and also by replacing the lid . Water flow slows , when air can not enter from the top of the bottle . Using recycled plastic bottles is cheaper , easier , and effective in drought prone areas , unless , of course , you have your owl kiln .

Cast1es Level 9 May 13, 2018

While it is cheaper and perhaps, maybe easier, ollas are entirely different technology. Equating them because they're both buried vessels denies the science.

@farmboy2017 While I'm not denying the science , I am taking cost and quantity into consideration . While you might prefer a Lincoln Continental to a Volkswagon Bug , they'll both get you to where you're going quicker than walking .

@Cast1es True! I still experiment with the bottles on occasion but it's a different result. I have an unfair advantage over most people since I'm a trained ceramics guy so I tend to promote the ollas🙂 Speaking of cars, I'd love to have a '64 Baja Bug!!!


Do you sell these?

I do. A few years ago, during the 2011 drought in Texas, I was quite busy making them during the summer. Our drought is back, I think!


perfect for this area

btroje Level 9 May 12, 2018

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