9 6

Hello everyone. I have never admited this to 2 other people. Do being scared and religious bs. I'm bi sexual and been that way since my early 20s. Now, being atheist I can be more honest with myself and religion be damned.

freedom41 9 Feb 26
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I like to thank everyone sent me words of encouragement about coming out as a bi man and atheist. It means a lot to be me. I'm glad to surround myself with open minded people such as yourselves. Doing away with religious bs is one the best things to happen to me. I'm proud to say that there no such thing as god.

freedom41 Level 9 Feb 28, 2018

glad you are here and found the support you need. I agree I'm so happy to have done away with religion.


Well it's a step in the right direction. I can't speak for everyone, but my coming out process happened in stages. The first person you have to come out to is yourself: get that self-acceptance thing going, and realise that it doesn't make you a bad person. Then you start being a bit more open anonymously, as you're doing now. Then maybe you confide in a few friends and see how they take it. And in the end, you make the big announcement and properly throw it into the public domain. I found Facebook useful for doing that. My coming out happened when the need to do it was stronger than the fear of the worst thing that might happen. And apart from my mother and some of my ex's family, people have broadly been accepting.

You might never get all of the way there. A lot of people don't. But don't ever let anyone make you hate yourself because of your sexuality (or gender identity, for that matter.)

Thank you for those words of encouragement. I know coming would out with sexuaulity will go over better than coming out as an atheist. I wish I turned my on religion earlier in life.


You go!! I wish you the best!!

AvvarElf Level 5 Feb 27, 2018

Getting off the fence and be fully gay is the change.

freedom41 Level 9 Feb 26, 2018

Not for everyone. Yes, for me, going bi was "the last train to Gaysville", but bisexuality is a real thing, and bisexuality denial is hugely problematic. Bisexuals are by far the biggest segment of LGBT, but often ostracised by the L's and G's for refusing to pick a team. We finally got LGbt to mean LGbT. It's time to get it to mean LGBT.

Happy to chat by private message, by the way (about anything, not just this.)

@freedom41 I am not sure I understand what you mean here?


Anyone in here want to do the message thing?

freedom41 Level 9 Feb 26, 2018

So sad that you feel that you cannot be open about this. Religion or not, whatever the reason is for somebody thinking they can judge anyone else based on their sexuality, in my view that attitude immediately disqualifies them and makes their opinion non-relevant to me. Much like racists and misogynists are just idiot arseholes whose opinion does not matter to me.
Personally I think that there is no reason why one's sexuality needs to be binary defined and binary defined forever. Certainly not the case with me.
Relax and be happy with what you are, avoid the idiots and surround yourself with kind people!

josmi6699 Level 6 Feb 26, 2018

I'm also considering making another change in my life.

@freedom41 which other change do you mean?


Thank you for the likes. I 'm hoping someone would like to chat.

freedom41 Level 9 Feb 26, 2018

Good for you! I wish you the very best. I drew strength many times from this Kurt Cobain quotation during my coming out period:

MollyBell Level 7 Feb 26, 2018

So glad you feel comfortable enough on here to be open about it!

I personally believe that the majority of people are bisexual and just have preferences one way or the other 🙂

Jnei Level 8 Feb 26, 2018

I think your right. I prefer females, but leaning more tords guys these days. Maybe I'm destined to be with a guy for the rest of my life.

@freedom41 Maybe you'll end up with someone who is both.

I know there's a part of me that's still bi. Opposite (I should say 'other' - damn those binaries) sex intimacy doesn't gross me out the way it does some homosexuals. I think those kinds of reactions in both homosexuals and heterosexuals (the Kinsey 0's and 6's) are either socially conditioned or trauma responses rather than natural. Logically, there are pleasure responses to be gained by rubbing body parts together with anyone (obviously they need to be old enough and consenting.)

What makes me identify as gay rather than bi? That would be my practising sexuality over the last 5 years, during which time I haven't had any kind of sex with anyone who didn't have a penis. I wouldn't have a problem having sex with someone female, but my most intense sexual triggers are almost all ones that can only be engaged by someone who is anatomically male, so the experience wouldn't be as rewarding.

@NicoleCadmium I'm the same with regard to (same) sex intimacy: I just don't get that "gross out" feeling that some heterosexuals do, or at least claim they do.

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