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Just a quick heads up: zrez has now been removed from the group. Sadly some interesting discussion has gone away with him, but that's the way the groups work for the moment. His hostility towards actual LGBT individuals didn't belong here. Neither did that link to his lesbian sex slave snuff fantasy.

NicoleCadmium 7 Mar 2
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Has anyone had any private messages from him? I kind of feel sorry for him because he clearly has some serious problems, but I'm starting to think we might all be better off if he wasn't on the site and anything untoward along those lines would be a legitimate reason for him to be banned.

Jnei Level 8 Mar 2, 2018

Why do people think it's remotely okay to join a group meant to support and create community, only to behave like a creep? Thank you for getting rid of him. I briefly skimmed his thread, but what I did read was enough to put me off wanting to talk to or interact with him.

Gravija Level 5 Mar 2, 2018

The bit I can't get my head around is that he thinks he's the nice guy, and that it's other men who are typically horrible. Yet he openly fantasises about owning women, so that he can do whatever he wants to them, sexually. Doesn't sound much like relationship material to me, unless you're into the whole master/slave thing.

Somehow, he's still posting to that thread (I don't know if anyone else can see it.) He's now asking me why I read his story when nobody was forcing me to. Alluding towards me being some sort of pervert for seeing it through to the end.

@NicoleCadmium I think he is highly delusional and arrogant. Most "nice guys" are like that, believing they're superior to other men and women should want to form up a queue to be with them. Was he honestly expecting anyone to sign up for his fantasies? If that's what he wants, there are plenty of sites out there that cater specifically to kinks and fetishes.

He actually wrote a story? That sounds nauseating. Maybe if we all flag his original post the thread will get deleted by mods?

@Gravija I tried flagging it a few times. It just pops up 'Javascript(0)' and does nothing. I've already asked admin to remove the offensive link from his post. I think we're on a completely bespoke ground-up platform here (rather than a mod of existing forum software) and it's still under development.

Yup, he wrote the story. And as best I can fathom, the gold prospector that turns up and buys the two sex slaves is supposed to be him.

@NicoleCadmium Ah, that makes sense. I tried to report from my phone and it wouldn't work. Hope they get the bugs worked out because that's a pretty important feature. :/

That description disturbs me. I am a naturally curious person, but I think I'll squash it this time and not read his story.


Perfectly understandable. I didn't much like his tendency to ask a question and then attack anyone who gave an answer other than the one he wanted, either. Your replies on his "can a man be a lesbian" post were superb, by the way - measured, thought-out and very well-put! 🙂

Jnei Level 8 Mar 2, 2018

Thank you 🙂

@NicoleCadmium Also, your summary of the sex slave snuff fantasy saved me having to read it, so thanks for that!

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