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Any thoughts? 🙂

Alexa 5 Apr 23
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I think he's annoying, and people who think makeup requires a certain set of genitals are annoying.


Pure ignorance creates fear.

Mofo1953 Level 9 Apr 26, 2019

I will never understand the conservative mentality (because you just know that it was some stick-up-their-ass conservative who created that meme). They fret and worry and get angry over things that don't affect them whatsoever and that do no harm to anyone. So what if a guy wears makeup or a skirt or a blouse? Who exactly is this harming? How is it immoral?

But kids getting shot in schools? Conservatives don't care. People not having health insurance (and dying because of it)? Conservatives don't care. People living in poverty and going hungry? Conservatives don't care.

But people living their lives as they wish and harming no one... be it who they marry or how they dress or which consenting adults they have sex with in the privacy of their own homes... somehow these things are of major importance to conservatives. Important enough for them to have protests/marches and attempt to make laws about it.

And as for "god's design"? That's a load of bullshit. People are born with horrific physical deformities and live short lives of pain and suffering. Children get cancer (cancer is quite natural) and die. People choke to death every day because we are "designed" with our food tunnel and our breathing tunnel use the same face opening. If we stop taking in oxygen for more than a couple of minutes we die. Humans are born with a wide variety of defects that cut their lives short. Humans are "designed" pretty damned poorly.


I will probably screw this up, so feel free to correct my awkward or offensive definitions. Well, it is kind of two different things. Since there is no god, then no, he did not gender anything. There do tend to be two sexes in a very general way, which is how reproduction works, at least in humans, which is natural selection hard at work. It is not perfect or absolute. There are intersex people with physical attributes of both sexes, there are some people where their DNA is atypical in some fashion to the more common type. And there are people who, for reasons we don't fully understand, identify as a gender differently from their DNA or what some would deem their "obvious" sex. Some species can reproduce without exchanging DNA, like amoebas, some species can change their sex from male to female depending on environmental conditions, so that is the sex end. Then, as in most species that are not generally considered "self aware" there have been traits that have been developed that are generally associated with one of the sexes as their gender role. The female sits on the eggs, the male does most of the hunting during child rearing, etc. Of course the opposite exists as well, males sit on or protect the eggs, females do the hunting, whatever. I think in the beginning, it was just a process that happened over time that ended up determining which sex kind of did some things based on sex, which sex did other things based on sex. But as we became self aware, we tended to continue along those lines. In addition, we added a socially accepted level of expectation to it. Females did this, males did that. There have always been nonconformists, but in less mature societies, there was often less willingness to accept this nonconformity. As society matured, we came to see that these gender based ideas, either initially naturally selected or socially created, were not necessary, and that we could allow self aware being to find their own path in these areas. Or at least some of us can. There are still a lot of people out their who have trouble dealing with a world that is not black and white. It makes them uncomfortable with themselves and their place in the world. There is still a lot of societal pressure to conform to what are considered gender norms. But we are slowly moving away from it. Just because something is wrong, doesn't mean we are going to correct it over night. People are creatures of habit, and religion is a very difficult habit to end, and if you feel uncomfortable with changes in traditional gender standards, and you think your god is on your side, then why in the world would you hesitate to use it to bludgeon a nonconformist over the head with it? I probably missed a million things there.

'' There are still a lot of people out their who have trouble dealing with a world that is not black and white. It makes them uncomfortable with themselves and their place in the world.'' !! True words 🙂


Plenty of LGBT+ people aren't on board with non-binary identities. Plenty of trans people aren't on board with them, either. Gender is a belief system, just like religion. And one you're indoctrinated to not question from a very early age, just like religion.


Note how they say "was" perfect. They, as always, want to have their cake and eat it too.

RandyTerry Level 5 Apr 24, 2019

Well... Okay!


Yo each there own.

freedom41 Level 9 Apr 23, 2019

I think people should live their own lives and embrace others who make them better humans. I am not much into labels. I seek out those who are tolerant and accepting of other’s uniqueness whatever that may be.

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