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Hi folks

This seems as good a place as any for an introduction.

I'm from Scotland (you already knew that from my accent, right?)

I'm a bi sexual married male having only properly accepted my bi sexuality in the past few years and feeling more comfortable admitting it to myself.

The next step is admitting it to others with only my wife and very few others being aware at this point. I might not ever feel the need though as I don't feel the need to 'come out' as I don't remember anyone announcing "hey I'm straight!" unless it was to avoid being 'converted' by a gay/bi/pan person (cos we're all out to recruit straight folks to our ranks apparently)

I enjoy online forums, I try to read more than I post but tend to be the same in real life as I'd rather listen than speak. We have two ears but only one mouth...there's a reason why.

I'm enjoying the forum so far, seems like a nice place, good people and a diverse range of discussions. Happy to chat to anyone about anything as I'm not judgmental, very open minded and a good listener. OK, let me revise that...I won't talk about football as it doesn't interest me, can't see what all the fuss is about and it's just another reason (in Scotland especially) to divide people.

So, thanks for being so welcoming and I'm looking forward to being an active member of the community.

Eastrenbi 5 May 5
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Enjoy being online again!

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Welcome. I was with men my whole life, but the desire to be with women lingered and grew. I finally had a relationship with a woman, and called myself a lesbian. After we broke up, and I found myself still attracted to men, I called myself bisexual. Realizing that it was almost a death sentence in the gay community, I went back to lesbian. Listening to my own awakenings, I now identify as bisexual, and am very comfortable with it. And if someone has a problem with it, well then, that's their problem. I'm 65 btw.

I know what you mean about the way bisexuals are viewing by some within the gay community. Whether gay or straight a lot of people seem to view us as undecided (or just greedy). The most important step I suppose is accepting ourselves for who we are then we're more able to live the life we want to live.


I've been to Scotland twice, and loved it. The southeastern part, with it's gorgeous green rolling hills, and then up around Inverness for a few weeks. I was in the Navy, and spent a lot of times in little pubs there. The people were so friendly. After some of them had enough pints, though, I often thought that the U.S. and Scotland are separated by, among other things, a common language. ?

Example. I asked someone on the street if they knew where I could find an arcade. He pointed down the street and told me, "Dune nex ta the guttage." I asked, "Guttage?"

"Yeah nex ta the guttage," he says. I ask him what a guttage is, and he looks at me like I'm daft and explains that they sell petrol there.

"Oh, a garage," I say. I could tell he wanted to say, "Oh yeah, right, yank. Nex ta the garaaaaahhhhhge." ?


MollyBell Level 7 May 5, 2018

It's a great little country but the language can be a bit of a barrier until you get used to it.

Inverness is a beautiful place. I hope you know that Nessie is real, right? Our tourist industry depends on her.

Thanks for the welcome and hope my accent isn't too bad (if anything I often get mistaken for Irish for some curious reason, literally no idea why.


Well welcome! ?
It's great to have you here!

Thanks, it's great to be here.

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