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I have learned a lot after leaving a highly conservative church about 2 years ago, but I am still trying to understand my personal feelings regarding gender and sexuality. There is so many labels and sub-labels for one's orientation/gender, I not really sure where I fit in. I'm going to list out a bunch of stuff (it's going to be vulnerable for me) and your expertise will be quite welcome. Here goes:

~I am attracted to femininity, not the kind of reproductive "package" you have. I am quite okay with someone having a male package.
~I am attracted to the female body type, not the male body.
~There have been a few instances of being attracted to men, but they were sissy, a bit fem, without coming across as over the top gay.
~Transformation is a turn on, either for myself, or seeing it in others. Never tried pulling off crossdressing, the but I wish I could be seen as male or female (even though my looks are quite masculine).
~I act male, or manly nearly all the time, in other words, there is nothing fem about the way I walk, talk, or carry myself. I'm not sure that I could pull off being fem, I think I just feel silly when I do.
~If I were hit on my a gay man, I would be flattered (depending how it came across of course). I could see myself having an intimate relationship with the right man, who knows, never tried.

Feel free to ask more questions, I'm still a newb, so I might not aware of other information. What are your thoughts? Thanks!

DavidLMt 4 May 7
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I really like the comment and subsequent comments... especially regarding not defining things so much. Personally I try to pay attention to what turns me on and why it turns me on and leave it at that. I think sexuality (for me at least) is a lot more fluid. If I had it my way lol I'd live in a culture where there weren't so many definitions and just a culture where people listened more to their instincts and everything understood it's normal. At times I am attracted to men and at other times I am attracted to women, and at other times I am attracted to trans etc. I really appreciate the people commenting that it's ok to change and be fluid with sexuality and bonding.

JakeS84 Level 2 June 2, 2018

I don’t fit into a label; I bet you don’t, either. I’m glad you’re free to explore and define what you truly want.


Don't worry about the label. I struggled with that myself for close to 5 years. Personally I'm attracted to both, but favor the female body type and the male "package." Finally I realized that it doesn't make a difference what I or anyone else calls me, as it won't change who or what I find attractive. Just be you.

I kinda wish I could pull off appearing fem. Like you though my body is too masculine naturally to pull this off, and I just feel silly if I try acting different. I'm also incredibly shy, and would probably die of embarrassment if my parents or brother saw me like that.

Katrik Level 7 May 7, 2018

Stay away from bigots and don't discuss your bedroom with anyone but your partner NOT INCOMPETENT clergy

Thank for the insight! This is very similar to my situation.


Thanks for posting. Keep exploring your feelings, and be honest with yourself.

I find labels useful, but many don't. My sexuality labels have gone from straight to lesbian (on a technicality), to bi, all in the last 3 years. The happiest time of my life is now.

We're all works in progress.

MollyBell Level 7 May 7, 2018

As Warm Dissent said, thank you for taking a risk and posting. I applaud your bravery. I've gone back and forth with the label issue myself. I had been with only men for my whole life, but the desire to be with women lingered too. When I was with my first (and only so far) woman, I called myself a lesbian. After she and I broke up, and I still found myself attracted to men, I called myself bisexual. Then when that label was practically a death sentence in the gay community, I went back to lesbian. After really looking inward, I decided that yes, I am bisexual. And if someone can't handle the label, then well, that's their problem. Sexuality is often fluid and complicated. I think you're on the right path of exploring your feelings, your responses to men and woman, and your own desires.

Thank you!

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