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Hi everyone! A question for the group: As far as relationship, do you consider yourself a monogamist (only one intimate relationship at a time), or are you polyamorous (willing to have multiple relationships at the same time)?

Also, please chime in with reasons for this and that, I'm interested! Thanks!

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DavidLMt 4 May 15
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Love does not destroy love...<3

AFoster Level 4 July 27, 2018

We're swingers. So not monogamous but also not polyamorous.

soulless Level 7 July 9, 2018

I don’t know how to answer.

I’m married to a person I love, but it’s unrequited. She loves me, but as a best friend. We’re not in a relationship, despite the marriage.

Were I to be in a relationship (something I would like, and has been discussed and approved with my spouse), then I would want it to be just one person. But given my marriage I’d have to call that poly... right?

miffy Level 5 June 3, 2018

100% monogamous.

kc_anthony Level 5 June 2, 2018

I've never been in a polyamorous relationship, but with the right people, I wouldn't be against it

Sithis Level 4 May 25, 2018

I also know two couples who have each been together more than 25 years and are in open relationships, they have invited me to play with them and at the time I was uncomfortable, judgmental in my own head and even critically thinking about how I liked them but I was actually arrogant in my assessments. I now realize I did that based on religious values and indoctrination. I can say both couples remain together, committed and apparently happy. And I admire them for courage, honesty and the openness they have. If we are criticizing the idea of polyamourous relationships I challenge anyone to examine the etiology of said criticism. I will guess it’s the religious influences we sometimes carry with us. Food for a thought.

sophmag Level 5 May 16, 2018

In my experience, there's usually one partner more enthusiastic and the other feels obligated to go along with it to a) appease their partner, b) sustain the relationship or c) compensate for any inadequacies they feel they have.

What this creates to my mind, is an underlying power imbalance in the relationship which in turn leads to resentment. Where there is one main driver of an open relationship, it can easily become unhealthy. Having said that, if both partners equally enjoy extra relations, and that there is good communication, then this can be healthy and exciting.

JulianB Level 4 May 16, 2018

My bf wants to be promiscuous, and I'm trying to come around to that. I feel like maybe we should try polyamoury while we're at, and see what we want to do. 😛

AvvarElf Level 5 May 15, 2018

I'm pretty sure I'd like to be in a monogamous relationship, that's just how I am. When I'm not in a relationship I tend to date a lot of people but something more serious is more satisfying emotionally.

Islandgurl Level 6 May 15, 2018

I am polyamorous, I have 3 partners who all know each other. And I know their partners too!

SensualAva Level 6 May 15, 2018

I’m not sure anymore. I used to believe we should be monogamous because I thought it was the right thing to do. I have evolved into a different position because I think the heart of our traditional beliefs systems stemfrom religion and that set of values which are dictated to cultures who follow these dictated rigid rules. I believe I can love more than one person at a time. I no longer think you’re necessarily bad for being open to love in non traditional ways.

sophmag Level 5 May 15, 2018

Not directly in my own life, but I have had several friends who were/are polyamorous open relationships, and they are all single and alone now. I'm not saying it can't work, just that I've never witnessed it do so. To me, that's like willingly being a placeholder and encouraging your significant other to keep searching for someone better than you. Chivalrous, maybe, but asking to be alone, ultimately. But that just like my opinion, man.

Kafirah Level 8 May 15, 2018

I was polyamorous in my younger years. It was all about pleasing myself, for me.
Now I am monogamous and don't do well with sharing anymore

@SACatWalker try a little harder.cracked my screen yesterday

@SACatWalker bitch


I am 100% monogamist. Each to their own - if both (or all) participants in a relationship are into polyamory, that's up to them; but that doesn't work for me.

Jnei Level 8 May 15, 2018

I will, and do have multiple relationships. I love having a boyfriend and a girlfriend. That's my favorite combo, especially when they're also into each other.

Monogamy puts too much pressure on you and your partner to be perfect for each other. I'll never commit to that rut again.

MollyBell Level 7 May 15, 2018
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