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Not wanting to be indelicate OR cis-phobic here BUT. I have a variety of friends. Most are queer, but a few are cis and straight. I've noticed that straight guys smell different from my queer friends. Not talking cologne here. I have to clean the bathroom after they've been here. (Due to my epilepsy, I'm really sensitive to odors.) And it's not that they're messy or anything. And it's not restricted to ONE dude, so this isn't a personal problem. Or maybe it is-MINE. Idk. But I've noticed this. (The gay or transguys seem to not present this lingering, um, aroma.) Anyone have any comments? Feel free to blast me for this. I just don't know what to make ot it. I'm not going to ban my cis friends, of course, or DO anything different. I just wanted a place to remark on this.

BookDeath 8 May 26
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Diet, hormones, drugs. Anything one ingests can manifest in an odor. Also you being the observer of said phenom may be more sensitive in this particular sensing ability. Also women generally are more sensitive to men's odor & men to women aroma. (They shold talk about us? Have you been to a men's lavatory? Blech)

Mooolah Level 8 May 30, 2018

I had to have my upper jaw repaired. As a result, they moved the entire thing 13mm forward. They also had to remove the back of the roof of my mouth. So, in addition to no gag (and never being able to eat in a reclined position again) something was uncovered and now I smell EVERYTHING. If anyone ever offers this to you, decline. I can smell when a woman has her menses, and I can smell any infection long before it's an issue. (My vet thought I was way too close with my cat)
Men smell different to me. And gay men not only smell different (and so much better than) from straight men, but different within the ranks of masculinity. It is all very subtle. I never wanted to know any of it.(mold is an all-consuming smell. I have removed most cloth items from my house because they retain it and people's breath, unless they have a respiratory or tooth infection, or cancer, is no longer a "bad" smell)
But men's cologne, especially musk cologne, smells like ass. Really. Need cologne? Rub a citrus rind behind your ears.

JBradford Level 5 May 27, 2018

"Men smell different to me. And gay men not only smell different (and so much better than) from straight men, but different within the ranks of masculinity"

Being attracted to gay men is the why. It's not that they smell better than straight men. It's better to YOU

@ashortbeauty I agree. Anything I say that isn't footnoted is just personal experience. I never noticed these things until I had that surgery. I understand the science, but the experience was eye opening.

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