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Horrible day yesterday on Facebook facing homophobic backwards thinking people so glad I found this community.
I'm a Pansexual Queer Female myself and yesterday got a lot of hate on a animal group no less.
Got some biblical quotes chucked at me for good measure.
I explained as animal lovers it's pretty sad they don't have love for fellow humans just trying to live there lives.
Then I explained about homosexuality in the animal kingdom and how it exists in almost all species because it's natural!
They didn't like that lol ?

VeganUnicorn 4 June 2
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This is the time where we learn to laugh at the trolls
Just keep referring to them as "Russian hate bots" every time they say anything and dismiss them. I no longer educate people on my POV unless it is a form of people who want to know.

JBradford Level 5 June 4, 2018

I got called 'transphobic' yesterday for having an exclusive genital preference in a potential sexual partner. Everyone has an obligation to be bi/pansexual now.

The Internet is full of loons. Facebook, doubly so.


Thanks everyone yes your right I shouldn't of engaged with them.
It was an off day on my part blame the heat. Lol
Thanks for all being so lovely anyway.


Aahhhhh... I see exactly where things got off the road !!!!............"You explained..." (There are things one cannot discuss with certain people and that it's different for everyone. We all have that one topic that it's much better if we don't talk about it because things likely will turn ugly. Anyhow, age have taught me there are conversations that are much more pleasant when they are avoided all together...... anyhow @VeganUnicorn, it's Saturday and I have too much time on my hands so I am just thinking out loud. I don't mean any harm or disrespect, ok?) Have a great day !!!!

IamNobody Level 8 June 2, 2018

I recently read that Facebook seems to be under siege by RWNJ’s who attack almost all liberal or progressive posts. Idk, because I left Facebook before the 2016 election. I don’t miss the Neo-Conservatives and their religious references. Sorry you experienced that.

sophmag Level 5 June 2, 2018

I’m sorry that happened to you. Managing, and tolerating conservative religious folk as friends is a real challenge. Every day.


You go with that knowledge!

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